Though my back pain has subsided I am still dealing with a lot of dull ache in my right hip from sciatica. It isn't terrible but if I haven't stretched for a couple days it will get tight until I either stretch, train or do cardio. It is getting better but it isn't gone yet. I will take a dull ache in my hip over back pain, any day.
Progress with getting leaner is still relatively effortless in that I will finish this week under 204 and the only real "effort" is just that I get my cardio done (and I have). I did cut back to 2 sessions per day this week instead of 3 as the 3 was just not practical. I could get 3 done on the days I didn't have anything extra or out of the ordinary to do but anything that I had to get done outside of my regular day would sidetrack me and back me up and I would be fighting to get it done too close to my training session. The change to 2 sessions instead of 3 doesn't seem to be a negative considering I am down almost 3 pounds this week, anyway. This is due in part to a Skipload that was not as large this last weekend as it usually is but the cardio gets most of the credit.
I say that I am losing weight effortlessly right now simply because I am never hungry, am consistently getting 6 meals a day and the weight just continues to fall off. Obviously, the cardio takes effort but it isn't torturous and my strength in the gym is just fine. Later in the week strength will fall off a bit but nothing major and early in the week I am actually improving on some exercises for chest, back and legs even in a caloric deficit. I am still taking in higher carbs than I have in the last few months (higher for me, anyway) and I feel this is contributing to the loss, as well. I seem to lose fat better if I have some carbs vs. none.
I did add in yohimbine hcl at 5mg pre workout and even though that is helping, there is no way that it gets the credit for the larger loss this week considering yohimbine almost always puts a little bit of water on the person using it.
I am still pushing through January to lose more weight and get below that magic 200 number and then I will likely hold that condition for a couple months - if not for the year. While holding that weight I will decide whether I want to get even leaner or slowly build back some calories to fill out a little bit without adding any body fat back. The plan is still to carry a very low body fat level for a long period of time and stay in incredible condition all year.