Since we had the UGSS in at the S4 compound and everyone lifted heavy on Friday and Sunday, I decided to keep with the theme.
Friday I squatted, and Saturday I benched before consuming massive amounts of hamburgers and lemonade for the 4th.
Today I did the back and arm accessory usually left for the Wed. to break up the middle of the week. SO...Monday feels like Wednesday and my week should be off by two days.
Which leads me to think, I don't wear a watch and haven't for quite a while. BUT, I always seem to be aware of the times I need to be doing something or another, instead of doing what I need to do at the time of needing. I.E. eating when I'm hungry instead of a time on a clock. Sleeping when I'm tired instead of a time on a clock.
SO...I think I'm going to TRAIN when my body is READY to train instead of doing it based on a time on a clock.
We'll see...
Pull ups: 50 reps in as few sets as possible
C/S Row: 4x8x80 The EliteFTS row is THE hardest on the planet with the long lever arm. But I like that.
Stretcher Pulls: 4x8x120
45 degree back extension: 4x10
Suspended Knee ups:4x10
4 way neck: 1x25x5.5
Dips: 100 reps in as few sets as possible
Rev. Grip Tri Push downs on cable: 4x15x100
Rope Tri Push down: 4x15x100
Reg. Grip Push down: 4x15x110
Reverse Grip Curl: 4x8x75
DB Hammer Curls: 4x8x25
Regular Grip Curl: 4x8x80