Saturday's are busy as heck with the normal routine. I hate having to be somewhere, or having to do something, but you can't get pass that without loss of success. You MUST do some things. It's required. So if it is a case of not IF's; it can be but WHEN'S.
My wife and I nailed down the weekly grocery shop on Friday afternoon (not for the faint of heart. These people are professional)
Plan to run the errands on Sunday, when the California traffic is at a minimum. (Mostly anytime before NOON, but Sunday only)
That left Saturday for this training session THEN the BEACH!!!
Chain Bench Press:
Worked up to my dynamic weight doing 5 rep warm ups. Then began adding chains to find a 3 rep max, bettering last weeks number of chains. WE DID! 7 per side this time.
Wide Grip Push ups on a bar set at the bottom of a rack and doing 20 reps per set adding a chain around the neck every time 20 reps were achieved. Ended with 4 chains in the fourth set.
Barbell Military Press: 6x6115
Face Pulls: 4x20x80
The other thing to remember when heading to the beach on a SATURDAY, is to be in striking distance before 10:00 AM. Even though we get a Marine layer that sits over the sand until later, the traffic getting to Santa Cruz is intense.
No worries though. Not wearing a watch and not being rushed to be anywhere is quite liberating.
Getting rid of my watch and routine probably is the next greatest accomplishment since losing the shoes.
Going Native!