The last book I've been reading is "The Life-changing Magic of Not Giving a F***" by Sarah Knight. It a pretty decent, humorous and quick read.
It can come off as a bit much at first. For example, who would really make an actual list about the things they absolutely don't give a f*** about. Maybe you won't write down Google + and Kim Kardashian like the author did, but you might write down "neighborhood BBQs" and "replying to texts immediately". She explains how to figure out where your "f*** bucks" should go.
Step 1 is figuring out what you do and don't give a f*** about
Step 2 is deciding not to give a f*** about it
Step 3 is actually not giving your f*** bucks toward it (time, money, energy)
I've had quite a few conversations with some clients and friends, and even teaching my own kids, about something she covers extensively in the book.... NOT GIVING A F*** WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK. (Although she clearly points out the "don't be an a-hole" rule). Here are a few conversations I've had:
* Who cares what your co-workers think of the chicken and sweet potato you bring to work?
* Who cares what your facebook friends think of your life or how you parent your children?
* Who cares if all your friends are doing crossfit and you just wanna be yogi?
Seriously. When you stop worrying about what other's think, it frees up so much of your mental space.
Another point she brought up was this:
"The power of honesty cannot be overrated. I can't tell you how many more fucks you wind up giving when you try to beat around the bush."
This hit me hard from the giving end (telling someone something) and the receiving end (someone else telling you something).
The book is a good read. Kinda funny. Kind of a stretch (she goes into detail about what to say when invited to a wedding!) If you can take her points and apply them to your life, it should help you make some simple decision (strangers, work, etc) and some not so simple ones (family, close friends, loved ones).
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