First, it was awesome seeing Jim and Vincent for the weekend. The best friends are the the ones who you may not see or talk to for weeks or even months at a time and they don't bust your balls and ask, "Why haven't you called?" or something childish like that and when you see them, you pick up right where you left off.
Friday was a good day. Picked up Vincent from the airport around 10:30 and got to Jim's around 11:15am. We all met Dave Tate for lunch and spent 2 hours talking trash, eating and catching up.
After lunch we went to Jim's high school and watched his team workout. Those kids are going to have such an advantage next season.
Before dinner we went to The Wal-Mart to get some cold weather wear for the event. As we walked around Wal-Mart we were like 3 high school kids maiing fun of each other and generally being idiots. When we got home we ate dinner and tried to settle in and watch Sicario. It was not to be. We shut it down and went to bed.
The next morning we got up and went to "The Hill" in Ohio (the only hill in all the state of Ohio) and watched a small band of knuckleheads from the football team run the beast. I believe it was 10 on the little hill (about 50 yards up on a damn near 45 degree incline). No exaggeration on this. It's the backside of a man made levee. After 10 reps it was over to the big hill (75 yards up on the same ridiculous incline). Most kids did 2-3 reps. A few did 4-5. It was great to see. Mainly because these kids were working their butts off. No talking, no bs, just work. Top that with 20 degree temperature and a nice Ohio breeze that probably had its origin in Oklahoma and it was a good morning.
Bob Evans called our names for breakfast. I fired down country fried steak and eggs with 2 blueberry crepes with 2 cheery cokes. Solid preparation for the event. Once we got back to Jim's we all started getting antsy and lift prep began. To top off the 2 cokes I fired down a 5 Hour Energy and 3 Advil.
We opened the garage door (20 degree temperatures) and lit the trash can on fire. I donned my Russell Athletic cold weather top and bottoms. As a side note, we used to be a Russell school and I thought the gear was awesome and this stuff proved me correct, as usual. I planned on layering, but all I needed was the bottoms (pulled over my knee, of course, because I'm a grown man and men don't wear broga pants) the long sleeve top and a t-shirt.
I actually had some adrenaline flowing and my body was surprisingly loose. Then, warm-ups began.
SSB Box Squat
This was a great PR for me. It's the most I've done since hip replacement in April of 2014. The video shows the reps sucked, but I got them in. My previous best was 425x5 back in June. Obviously, I did the approximate max calculation and it went from 495 to 530. I'd say I got stronger.
Vincent hit a massive 570 with some theatrics in the middle of the lift. If you see the video you won't see it, but as the back spotter I felt it. Nonetheless, he nailed it.
Jim has been having back issues on top of the surgery he had and the squat wasn't feeling good at all. Despite this, he hit an incredibly explosive 430x1 and called it a day.
Next, the Trap Bar Deadlift.
Trap Bar Deadlift
The 520 is an all-time Trap Bar PR for me as I have never really used the bar. Nonetheless, 520 is the most I've pulled off the ground since hip surgery. I wish I had gone 520 for reps like my original plan, but it felt so damn easy I wanted more. In the video you can see my brain working overtime (long pause at the top) trying to decide if I was going to rep it or go for more. Should've repped it.
the 620 just wasn't happening. I let my head get in the way and my body was out of position. Upon pulling I felt my back pop and got the lower body version of a stinger. No matter, 520 was good to go.
Vincent hit a strong 610x1 and then went on to hit 630x1
Jim hit 520x1 and then went on to hit 520x4. If you don't listen to Jim about Training Maxes you're an idiot. He did the calculation. After hitting 520x4 he realized his TM was 68% of that. KEEP YOUR TRAINING MAX LIGHT!
On to Vincent's Press.
FBB Bench
My goal was more than 315x5. Six was the magic number. I'll take it. Especially because I spent more time focusing on my Press. I may have gotten 1-2 more, but the FBB Jim has is a little different and at the bottom I felt handcuffed a bit. Made it weird. Nonetheless, I hit 6 reps fairly easily. Then I got all fired up and mentioned 365x1 and Jim and Vincent said go for it. I smoked it. That is the most I've ever lifted on the FBB.
Vincent hit 405 and barely missed 455.
Jim did not Bench. Instead, he did a Dip/Pull-up Challenge. I believe he did:
Dips: 5, 5, 5 with 45lbs, 6 with 90lbs
Pull-ups: 5, 5, 5 with 45lbs, 3 with 90lbs
All in all, we all had a great day lifting. Not to mention getting to hang out and shoot the breeze was the best part.
A shower and dinner followed and Sicario was watched from start to finish.
I would recommend getting a few of your training buddies together and doing this. We basically figured out the lifts and the order as we were warming up. It doesn't matter what the bar is or which lifts you choose. We just so happened to want to test the same lifts. Call it what you will - a meet or whatever - it was 3 dudes getting together to lift weights in the cold, share training ideas, tell stories and generally enjoy each others company. Can't wait for NOV June.
In the meantime, Jim and Vincent will get back to business. I have a speed bump. Next Wednesday I'll be going in for heart surgery. My Marfan's has caught up with me. My aorta has stretched a bit too much since my last CT Scan which causes concern. When it blows up, I'll feel a pain for about 1-2 seconds and then I'll be dead. I think it's time to get that taken care of.
I'll spend about 2-3 days in the ICU then 2-3 days in a regular room. I should be released on Christmas Day or the day after, so I've ruined Christmas for my mother and sister. Around 14 days I should be house mobile (able to get around and take care of myself for the most part). As soon as the doctor says so I'll start my rehab plan. I'll spend some time reading about rehab for the average human being so I have an idea of what exactly is done.
I've already set some short term goals.
1. Walk around the track 1x (1/4 mile) without stopping to rest
2. Walk around the track 2x (1/2 mile) without stopping to rest
3. You get the idea
4. When I get to a mile without stopping I'll shoot for the average time it takes to walk a mile. In my mind it's going to be 12 minutes. I may change that after I find the average.
5. 1 mile with 10lb weight vest
6. 1 mile with 20lb weight vest
7. 1 mile with 30lb weight vest
I'm not sure when I'll be cleared to do bodyweight movements (squat, rfess, push-ups, dips, pull-ups). I'm guessing it'll be closer to the 8 week mark on this as they will be cutting me open from neck to stomach and spreading my ribs for this deal. Once I know this I'll set some short term bodyweight lifting goals and keep rolling.
As you can imagine, my training will take a turn after this. My cousin is a cardiac anesthesiologist and he said I'll be good to lift once I'm healed. The biggest issue will be not holding my breath too long while I lift anymore. This basically means that my days of heavy lifting are over. This is obviously relative. I'll figure it out as I go.
I plan to take part in the NOV June Challenge. What my challenge will be will be determined once I'm fully cleared. Until then, it's some bodyweight work and conditioning. I'm going to be in the best condition I can be in before they doctors get their hands on me.
I'm hoping I have the energy to give you a rundown of what my football team does over break and will be doing once they get back in January. If not, I'll update as we get into it.