Today, I was going over some details about how I do what I do with a few people.
I then realized that I am an old War Horse, based on what I wouldn't do.
I lift and train because I like to! Note, "I like to" ! In case you missed this...I want to emphasize the "I" part of it.
I don't train to play on a team anymore.
I don't train to step up on a platform and hoist the weight for a total.
I don't train to get on a stage to show the wonderful transformation a body can go through using the weights.
I don't train to video or photo myself for social media (although this gets around quite nicely)
I don't train to PLEASE anyone other than MYSELF! (I can take this a very funny and humorous way right now, but that's because I have quite a sick sense of humor, but I won't)
Training becomes not only a part of my day, but it becomes MY DAY.
I wrap my rest around a training sessions.
I wrap my meal and nutritional plan around my training sessions.
I work my Coaching into training sessions and I have worked my play into the training sessions.
I like to do what I do and I don't need the fan fare that comes with it that others frequently need to share.
Since I don't have a phone that is a camera that is a video production, you won't see me doing an exercise.
I find NO need to stop between sets other than to move to the next one or get some water. There is NO set up of camera, nor is there anyone holding one taking "candids." (Usually, unless I'm at the S-4 compound in London, Ohio)
You won't have to dance around my gym looking for a way NOT to be in a shot, when I train.
There are no added expressions or dramatics.
Everyone KNOW my fashion sense. I don't need knee warmers, tights, special sauce, cheese, lettuce or the Sesame seed bun.
All I ever ask is to:
Give me a set worth of time before asking me a question
Let me jump in on a set every once in a while
Keep the pace brisk and the conversations light hearted.
If you are going to criticize, do it constructively with the intent to better everyone concerned.
No Drama, No Drama, NO FREAK'N DRAMA!!!
Like the music that is on. I play what motivates ME, and remember...I motivate YOU!
Give it your all or NOT at all. (Go Home if you feel like garbage, but don't drag anyone else into it)
Start with a hello and something POSITIVE. Let everyone else keep their negativity. I want to have FUN!
Did I mention...Have some fun? Its a weight. If you fail at it, make it temporary. But understand it isn't Afghanistan and you ARE going home tonight to sleep in your own bed, or if you get lucky, someone special.
Keep your politics to yourself (unless they line up with mine), Keep your religion to yourself (unless you are a Renegade Christian like me) And your love of all things (did I mention?) FUN, open.
I will train with anyone, at ANYTIME if we can just get back to the basics, without all the hardware/software and iPhones, and Text. I don't need to see myself on Instant Gram, or Pin my Interest.
Shoot...I don't even need shoes!