Orlando Barbell had a solid showing at the RPS Redemption Meet last weekend. Thank you to Bert and Mindy Underwood of the The Weight Pile Gym for running a great meet and to all of the spotters, loaders, and people helping out at the scoring table and front door. I know how difficult it to run a big meet like this.
Amanda Crawford went 315-205-395 to take first in a tough 148 class which was good enough for a top 10 ranking.
My training partner and buddy Stephen Harper competed in the Open 198s Push/Pull where he benched 345 and pulled 600 for two big raw PRs.
Kevin Reynolds, one of the most appreciative and supportive OBB members of all time, went 405-315-460 for a great day in the open 198s in his very first meet.
The German Giant Hans Hinnershitz squatted 570, benched 355, and deadlifted 630 for 1545 in the Open 198s.
Louie Carrell hit a 600lb squat, 345 lb bench, and a 585 lb deadlift for a 1530 total at 220.
Sean Brownstein was unfortunately unable to make it through squats, but I’m sure will be back stronger than ever.
Mike Salazar went 450-350-470 for a 1270 total in the open 242s.
Brandon Hagerott went 9/9 for the first time ever and hit PRs in every lift. He squatted 575 benched 340 and deadlifted 650 for a 1565 total and 1st place in the 242 lb open class.
EliteFTS’s own Jo Jordan showed the meaning of resilience by going 970-625-605 as our only equipped lifter in the Open 275s.
We also had a great crew there cheering everyone on. Congrats to all of the lifters!