I woke up to a package on my doorstep and sure enough it was my order of OBB Power Handles! I must say I was surprised at the build quality once I got them out of the box.
Straight to the gym I had to wait a while for a squat bar, and my hamstring was still feeling "dry" so I used a lot of caution!
Box Squats
tons of warm ups
495 x 2
Bench Press
warm ups
225 x 3 x 2
275 x 2 x 2
315 x 2
The OBB Power Handles felt terrible with the empty bar but the moment that I added a plat per side, they just came alive!!!! They felt amazing on the bar and they will become a mainstay in my squat and good morning training. I can also see that the possibilities are endless with these for dbells, kettle bell swings, during travel (huge here), and possibly front squats. Much more to come on these!