I am sooooo close to finishing off this diet. I don't think I will have any problem seeing my goal of a sub 200 bodyweight before the end of the year. That's walking around weight by the way and not a cut. I'm even hoping to close this thing out by 12/23. This way I could ever so slightly start coming out of my calorie deficit during the holidays. It won't allow for me to go wild, but every little bit helps.
In my zeal to cross the finish line, I started pushing HARD! I was doing extra burpees, farmers carry, my hiit work, and some other JUNK. That was on top of lowering my calories which are in a pretty heavy deficit already. Without realizing it, I was getting totally burned out.
This caused me to touch base with my Oracle, Harry Selkow. I actually trust Harry more than anyone else I know regarding training advice. Before you reach out to people, realize there are those who you will seek out just to validate what you want. Harry is not like that at all, he always shoots me straight.
When I shared with Harry what I was doing I tried to justify it by saying even though my body was feeling spent and I was missing reps in training, overall I felt great if that even makes sense. He fired back immediately to stop what I was doing. I got what he was laying down right away.
My response was that while remaining on my cut for a few more weeks I would keep my training to deload numbers and only walk for conditioning. Guess what, since backing off the work my diet is doing its job and the weight has started to melt back off.
The moral of the story, even though I was able to get through all of that extra work, it was doing more harm than good. My body was too stressed. The irony in this is hilarious considering I have done nothing but preach the value of taking your time with a diet.
I think I can, I think I can, I think I can. Almost there.