I will not lie, I've been slammed down at home lately. How long? Weeks...maybe closer to a month now that I've only been able to get to the gym on Sundays and SOMETIMES on a Friday every now and again. My business is expanding greatly and I want to do it correctly. My business with Autism and consulting and research is expanding and are focusing on several events that are happening in the next month that must be perfect?
How perfect? The First Lady has contacted us to request to be in attendance.
So, I have not had time or a babysitter so that I can get to the gym and I feel freaking horrible about it. I mean I feel like dog crap because I've not been able to get to the gym. Sad, depressed, mentally and physically DOWN! It will change. It must change.
I found myself at home dreaming about new DSLR video cameras (and other video and photo cameras) when I came across some modifications that I can do to my current 8 year old DSLR Video Camera. By Thursday afternoon I found myself with about 2 1/2 hours of free time so I grabbed Luke and got him in my car and we headed off to The House of Biceps to run, play, get dirty, and try out some new settings on my camera so that I could see what would AND WOULD NOT work when it came down to getting good training footage.
WE had a blast!
I'm ready for March to be over but I'm having fun behind the lens!