I competed in NPC Junior Nationals on June 12-13. I came in with a much bigger and leaner package than years past. Since July we have slowly transitioned from a bodybuilding split to more of a powerlifting/strength focus, while still hitting lots of volume to build mass. Scott Paltos has been doing my programming since March. We've added quite a bit of muscle and are continuing to work some technical things with my raw lifts. No comp dates set in stone but looking at a meet this spring and a show in the summer.
Second bench day of the week. Volume lower but still hitting some numbers. So I finally stepped on the scale after about 6 weeks and I was down to 135.5. So a good 3 pounds down. Quite the opposite of what most people do over the holidays, but the appetite thing has been killing me.
So, plan of attack... slowly add in a little more food to each meal. And maybe even sneak in another small meal. Nothing drastic but slowly get intake back up. I'd like to stay around 138 for now. Appetite is coming back too, so that will help.
Good bench day. Fixed my foot position from earlier in the week that caused me to feel a little off. Felt and looked much better today.
A. Bench press 3x3 rpe7/8
(@165, 170 170)
B. Close grip 4x8 @ 135
C1. Machine laterals 2x10 w rest pause
C2. Machine shoulder press 2x8 w rest pause
D. Face pulls with straight bar 3x15 drop set last set
E1. Pec deck Flyes 4x12
E2. Mid range paused push-ups 4x8
F. Standing laterals 3x15 drop set last set