I competed in NPC Junior Nationals on June 12-13. I came in with a much bigger and leaner package than years past. Since July we have slowly transitioned from a bodybuilding split to more of a powerlifting/strength focus, while still hitting lots of volume to build mass. Scott Paltos has been doing my programming since March. We've added quite a bit of muscle and are continuing to work some technical things with my raw lifts. No comp dates set in stone but looking at a meet this spring and a show in the summer.
This is one of those days that you are never really expecting. But... I love a good challenge and I love that it's given to me because this is definitely something I would not make myself do. Had fun with it though and got through squats in under an hour.
Ended up taking a nap after this... short 15 minutes, but worth it. I also took a bath too. Soaked my legs and hips a bit. Took Sunday to foam roll and lacrosse ball a bit too on some spots that I know are sticky.
Saturday (oh boy)
A. SSB 10x10
@115, 125, 130, 135, 140, 145, 150, 155, 160, 165)... I count the SSB as a 45# bar, but it really weighs like 80 or something... who cares.
(Really?? Ok, so I was kinda dreading this... 10x10 AND with the SSB?? Got half way through and told myself I had to keep upping it 5 pounds and not sissy out. It was about the right call as far as finishing with that weight... last 2 reps of the last set I could tell I was losing my upper back position a bit. Felt great. Hips a little tight but I did a good job of staying upright and really keeping mid back working hard.
B. Snatch grip stiffeys 4x8
(@135, 155, 175, 185)
C1. Leg extensions 4x10
C2. Seated hamstring curls 4x10
**drop set last one**
D. Narrow stance hack squat 4x6
E. Walking lunges x100 steps total