I competed in NPC Junior Nationals on June 12-13. I came in with a much bigger and leaner package than years past. Since July we have slowly transitioned from a bodybuilding split to more of a powerlifting/strength focus, while still hitting lots of volume to build mass. Scott Paltos has been doing my programming since March. We've added quite a bit of muscle and are continuing to work some technical things with my raw lifts.
Shipped the kids off to China! Haha... actually their friends from school invited them over for a playdate Saturday morning. I took full advantage and got my training done while they were there. Smart mom! 🙂
The rest of the weekend was pretty chill. Got our Netflix hooked up again (no cable in this house), played with some new Christmas toys (Legos and bracelet makers and Superhero stuff), and just enjoyed a little time of nothing.
Except Sunday night when my daughter decided she would like to vomit in her bed, over the bunk bed railing and onto the floor.... and then the sink, bathroom floor and toilet. So that was a fun clean up at 10pm. Poor girl missed her first day back at school today, but figured it was best to keep her home, rest and not get anyone else sick.
What is it with my kids and vomiting lately???
Great session Saturday though.... Lots of lat swole with the bodybuilder style pullups. Keeps it off the arms and all on the lats. Try 'em.
And happy new year to all!! I come across people who have been reading eliteFTS for years (my log, and the thousands of articles that have been up over the years) and it really is awesome and means a lot. Being a part of this team for over 10 years has been amazing. 2015 was a whirlwind for me, but things are settling and the first 4 days of 2016 have been great! 😉 Haha. I'm not looking for a "perfect" year, but I'm looking to make more internal and mental changes than anything. Awareness of me, my surroundings, and where my attention is being placed.
A. Bodybuilding pull-ups (wide grip elbows to only 90 hard contraction) 3x8-12
B. Low seated row 4x12
C1. Rope pull downs high cable to chest 4x12 drop set last one
C2. Chin-up like above BB style 4x4
D1. BB curls 4x12 drop set last
D2. Ez bar skull crushers 4x15 drop set last
E1. Muscle mace pushdowns 3x8/8/8
E2. Preacher single arm hammer 24's 3sets