I competed in NPC Junior Nationals on June 12-13. I came in with a much bigger and leaner package than years past. Since July we have slowly transitioned from a bodybuilding split to more of a powerlifting/strength focus, while still hitting lots of volume to build mass. Scott Paltos has been doing my programming since March. We've added quite a bit of muscle and are continuing to work some technical things with my raw lifts.
Finished the week on a good note! Here is what the full week looked like:
Monday - back and bi's
Tuesday - shoulders and light pressing
Wednesday - squats and leg
Thursday - OFF
Friday - Back (and one set of biceps)
Saturday - bench and shoulders (and some biceps)
Wanted to give the big picture of how things were laid out. Sometimes it's hard to see by reading a day or two at a time. Every week changes and things are added and taken away as needed. THIS is why it's so important to have an outside view on your training AND to have it tailored to your needs. Hamstrings are gonna be hammered hard just like shoulders have been.
I always think it's interesting to see the big picture, especially since my programming isn't just Mon=squat, Wed= bench, Fri = dead, etc. etc.
Friday - Back!
A. Bent over rows w/ holds 4x12-10-8-6. Then 1 huge rest pause heavy x30 total reps
B. Neutral pull-ups 4x4 weighted @ 20#
C. Low DD handle rows 4x12 drop set last one
D. Rev incline flyes 4x12 w 2 as pause
E1. Barbell double impact shrugs 4x10
E2. Pull downs 4x10-15
F. DB rack attack curls
Saturday - Bench and shoulders
A. Wide grip bench 4x12-10-8-6
(@135, 145, 155, 165x6!)
B1. Standing Laterals cheating heavy 4x8
B2. Front raises cheating 4x12. Single arm
C. Hammer shoulder press 4x12-15
D1. Cables laterals 3x20
D2. Cuban standing DB press 3x12
E. Push-ups x100 (inside shoulders)
F. Preacher curls 4x12
G. Cable curls 4x8-15