I competed in NPC Junior Nationals on June 12-13. I came in with a much bigger and leaner package than years past. Moving into the off season I will be working on my raw strength and putting on size in my upper body. Competition plans are still to be determined with the possibility of some powerlifting in the late fall. I will continue to work with Amit Sapir on my off-season dieting, gradually increasing food and working to put on some good muscle. Scott Paltos will be doing my training, reworking some strength work in with some volume work for the added muscle during the rebound dieting phase.
It's been one of those weeks again... just tack it on to the week before. Working on getting back to eating ALL my meals. Lately I've been missing one... or not eating a full breakfast. Had a good week of training though. Made some adjustments due to some things going on but still turned out to be a solid week.
Stress levels are still pretty high. Need to get some soft tissue work done soon. And maybe a beach vacation. The kids have been in school for a few weeks now, so being into a routine has been nice. Between packing lunches, helping with homework, selling fundraising candy bars and everything else that comes along with the school year, I wouldn't trade it. Makes me focus a little harder on my work, staying organized, and making sure they are loved and have my attention as well.
Being a parent is hard work. Disciplining, making sure they participate in activities, helping them make good decisions, teaching them to stand up for themselves, but to also be kind. As I sit here typing this out, they are each playing quietly with their toys. My son's creativity astounds me. He's a bright kid with a smile that will absolutely melt your heart. My daughter is a firecracker. She's bubbly, talkative, a social butterfly, but has a heart of gold and is one of the kindest kids I know. I see a bit of me in each of them and I can only pray that I can raise them to be confident and strong, kind and caring.
I've also had some opportunities arise in the past couple months. They have all been really good experiences for me and I'm thankful I was encouraged to do them. Scared out of my mind at times, nervous, little bit of self doubt... but turned out to be just what I needed.... and will all turn into something great in the end.
Ok, ok... onto training this week.
A. Chest supported rows - 5x15-12-10-8-8, Drop set last set
B. Single arm pec deck reverse - 3x20
C. Underhand single arm pulldown - 3x12-10-15, drop set last set
D. Wide grip face pull - 4x12 drop set last set
E. DB rack attack row - Start at 60'sx10, 50x12 40x14, 30x16, 20x18
F. Abs 8 minutes
WEDNESDAY (adjusted)
A. Regular stance squats - 4x4 @ 185, 215, 230, 250
B. Bench press - 4x5 @ 135, 145, 155, 155
C. Pull-ups 4x6
D. DB seated presses - 3x15
E1. Reverse Lunge with DB - 4x6ea
E2. Push-up Row combo - 4x8 total
E3. Goblet squat -4x10 w/3 sec bottom pause
(This series had me absolutely sucking wind. I didn't take the recommended rest because it was approaching time to get the kids from school. So what did I do? Suck it up and hustle through. I was not about to cut my workout short 🙂 )
F1. Seated Laterals 3x15
F2. Rope pushdowns 3x15
F3. Hammer curls 3x12
(This series wasn't nearly as bad, but I basically did everything back to back to back... ok, gotta go get kids...)
SATURDAY - Shoulders
A. DB shoulder press - 5x8 seated @ 50's
B. DB standing laterals to OH - 4x15
C. Face pulls elbows out - 4x12
D1. Machine laterals - 4x12-12-15-15
D2. Bent over raises - 4x15
D3. DB shrugs - 4x15
E. Machine press neutral 3x20
F. Abs 10mins (decline leg raises, russian twists, McGill Crunches)