I competed in NPC Junior Nationals on June 12-13. I came in with a much bigger and leaner package than years past. Moving into the off season I will be working on my raw strength and putting on size in my upper body. Competition plans are still to be determined with the possibility of some powerlifting in the late fall. I will continue to work with Amit Sapir on my off-season dieting, gradually increasing food and working to put on some good muscle. Scott Paltos will be doing my training, reworking some strength work in with some volume work for the added muscle during the rebound dieting phase.
Well Happy Birthday week to me!! Even though last Sunday was my birthday, I took the entire week to celebrate with my kids, family and even my 2 year old niece who shares the same birthday as me! Got some pretty fun gifts from my kids, siblings, parents and friends. I won't lie... ever since becoming a mom I played off my birthday like it was no big deal... because hell, that's what us moms do, right? We put ourselves last to make sure everyone else is taken care of. Well, this year, I allowed myself to celebrate without feeling guilty. We all deserve it every once in awhile. 🙂
Training has been great this past week. Lots to catch up on, but all good days.
Friday - Bench, shoulders and accessories
A. Bench press - 8x3
(modified a few things that day because it was going well. Hit 175x3, 180x1 and 185 for a really sloppy single. Should've been cleaner, but that's ok, one step at a time.)
B. Three level laterals - 4x6/6/6
C1. Machine (hammer incline) -5x10-12 drop set last set
C2. Pull-ups - 5xmax reps
D1. DB hammer curls - 4x8-12
D2. Ez bar skull crushers - 4x10-15
D3. DB shoulder press (neutral) - 4x20
E. Pec deck - 2x20
F. Hand stand hold against wall 4x15 secs
Saturday- Squat and legs A. Front squats - 4x6 B. Front squat pause - 3x3 C. Sumo stiffeys - 4x8 D1. Leg press x30 D2. Leg extensions x15 D3. Hamstring seated curls x12 4 times through all of them E1. Hamstring curls single leg - 2x15 E2. Chin-ups - 2x5 F. Abs 5mins Sunday- BIRTHDAY Back day!!!! A1. Pull-ups wide - McGill x2 A2. Clapping close hand push-ups x4 8 sets B1. Hammer Supinated Pulldowns - 4x15-15-12-12 (drop set last) B2. Straight bar pushdowns - 4x20-20-15-15 (drop set last) C1. Low Cable Row - 3x12 C2. Rolling push-ups - 3xfail D. Ez bar preacher - 4x6/8-10 E. Bent over double DB concentration curls then standing curls 4x5/10
These pushups are a fun variation to do. They are done like a rolling DB extension. So once you rock back onto your elbows, roll forward and up in a smooth motion. Give them a shot... courtesy of Scott.