I competed in NPC Junior Nationals on June 12-13. I came in with a much bigger and leaner package than years past. Since July we have slowly transitioned from a bodybuilding split to more of a powerlifting/strength focus, while still hitting lots of volume to build mass. Scott Paltos has been doing my programming since March. We've added quite a bit of muscle and are continuing to work some technical things with my raw lifts. Possible raw meet in May and a physique show later in the summer.
For coaching and programming inquiries, email Julia.Ladewski@gmail.com
Time has been escaping me. I'm not sure I've had a chance to really sit much lately. And when I do, it's to snuggle my kids or write an email. Last week's training went really well. Had to adjust a few things because of some schedule changes, but got in really good work. Took an easy 275 squat on Friday which sadly, is the most I've had on my back since MARCH. BUT... my training has been all physique and volume based as well, so no reason to hit heavy singles. It moved fast and gave me good confidence going into meet prep that starts next week.
Super excited and super happy with how training has been since my show last June. A few lulls here and there, a few aches, but being consistent and staying the course has paid off. Training smart and having the adjustments made based on life and how I'm feeling has also paid off.
Then lots of volume on Monday with some pressing work. Again, got a ton of work in because of some schedule changes.... and because I may have had a few too many meals off plan. Not terrible and not a lot of junk, but just more food than usual. Ok, ok, maybe I had a donut. And maybe it was bigger than my head. And maybe I ate the whole thing. Diet will be cleaner from here on out to ensure that my body feels good and I can keep my weight where it's at (about 138).
Took some lighter box squats on Tuesday. Lower the volume a bit and get ready for the week to come. Basic accessories and out.
A. SSB box squats to depth 8x1 emom 185lbs
B. Stiff snatch grip deads 4x8
C. Leg extensions 4x20
D. Single leg hamstring curls 4x10ea
E. Pulsed squats goblet 30lbs 4x20
F. Abs 10mins
Wednesday was a good back day. Added in some drop sets and rest pauses as well.
A. Pull-ups 5x5
B. Low cable row wide bar 5x8 heavy
C. Stiff arm rope pulldowns 4x20
D. Rev pec deck 3x12
E. Lat pulldowns 4x12
F. Ropes 10 sec on / 20 sec off - repeat 8 times
Friday A. Squat - worked up to 275 for an easy single B. Seated leg curls - 4x12-15 C. Pulsed lunges - x20/15/10/5
A. Wide bench Press 5x8 @ 145
B. Close grip bench press 3x6 @ 140
C1. Chest supported rows 5x10-12
C2. Push-ups 5x20 fast
D. Pull-ups BB style 5x8
E1. Mace pushdowns 4x15-20
E2. Cable curls 4x6-12
F. Seated laterals 5x6 each height