I competed in NPC Junior Nationals on June 12-13. I came in with a much bigger and leaner package than years past. Moving into the off season I will be working on my raw strength and putting on size in my upper body. Competition plans are still to be determined with the possibility of some powerlifting in the late fall. I will continue to work with Amit Sapir on my off-season dieting, gradually increasing food and working to put on some good muscle. Scott Paltos will be doing my training, reworking some strength work in with some volume work for the added muscle during the rebound dieting phase.
I'm going to attempt to remember early last week what I did. I can't find my training sessions from a few days. I had to look back at my Instagram just to remember... it's been a long week.
Tuesday - Shoulders
Wednesday - Deadlifts and light legs
Thursday - Back
Friday - Bench and tris
Saturday - Off (cardio)
Sunday - Squats
Monday - Shoulders
Training has been fun. I keep saying it, but I feel really good and solid. Strength is coming back nicely and technical work is moving along as well. Couldn't be happier with the mix of strength and volume. 🙂 Sent progress pics off to Amit as well. He's VERY happy with the added muscle. Arms, shoulders, back, glutes, legs... Setting up for a good showing next year. The plan right now is to sit at this bodyweight, but keep it a hard 138. Diet will hold steady now with what I've been doing, which is about 375g carbs and upwards over 2500 cals.
Cardio is hit or miss. I get in at least 2 sessions of incline walking a week, plus whatever I do with the dog. And usually 1 HIIT session. Scott's got a plan for that as well in order to keep body fat down, but also not lose the size we just gained. He's been hammering my shoulders hard and they are coming along nicely. Legs too, so I'm super pleased.
TUESDAY - Shoulders
This is one of the training sessions I can't find. I know I did some heavy DB Shoulder presses (50's for 8) and a ton of laterals.
WEDNESDAY - Deadlifts and light legs
Again, another session I can't find, but here is what I remember.
Sumo/Conventional Deads - worked up to 300x1 at each. Then down setted 255x2/2, 2 sets
Hack Squats
Hamstring curls
Single Leg RDL's
More Hack squats
A. Bent Over Rows - 5x10 w holds at certain reps
B. Seated Hammer row single arm - 4x12, 10, 8, 8
C1. Lat Pulldown - 4x12
C2. Rope Pulldown - 4xswole
D. Pec deck rear or cable rear 4x20
E. Incline curls. - 4x12, 12, 10, 10
F. Machine curl - 4x15
G. Banded face pulls x100
H. Banded pullaparts x100
FRIDAY - Bench and Triceps
A. Bench press - 8x3 (155, 165, 165, 5 sets at 170)
B. Bench mid/close grip - 3x10
C. DB bench on ball - 3 X amap
D. Rope pushdowns - 4x20
E. Decline tricep extensions - 4x12-15
F. Kick back with cable -3x12-15
F. Machine laterals - 4x15-12-12-10
SUNDAY - Squats and legs
A. Narrow Stance Squats - 5x8, work up to 200
(worked narrow stance with some Oly shoes. Felt so much better and still reworking my squat groove but it's getting there.)
B. Regular Stance Piston Squats - 3x15
C1. Leg Curls - 4x8
C2. TKE's - 4x30
D1. Single leg leg curls - 3x12
D2. Single leg leg extensions - 3x12
E. Walking lunges, loaded x100
F. Abs
MONDAY - Shoulders and Arms
A. Push press - 4x6, up to 105
B. Strict press 4x10
C1. Heavy standing single arm laterals- x15-15-12-10-10
C2. Heavy shrugs DBs -x20-20-15-15-12
C3. DB upright rows -x10-10-10-8-8
D. Machine laterals - 2x10 then drop set
E. St bar pushdowns 3x15 with tempos within sets
F. Preacher curls varied grips - 3x10
G1. Rolling tri's - 5x12
G2. Standing DB curls - 5x12 (with stretches... technically, after the description of the stretches, it said "bend, flow"... and all I could think of was Reese Witherspoon in Legally Blond... Bend and snap. Hahaha).