I competed in NPC Junior Nationals on June 12-13. I came in with a much bigger and leaner package than years past. Since July we have slowly transitioned from a bodybuilding split to more of a powerlifting/strength focus, while still hitting lots of volume to build mass. Scott Paltos has been doing my programming since March. We've added quite a bit of muscle and are continuing to work some technical things with my raw lifts.
Thursday was a day when I thought I was going to be pressing. Instead, Scott pulled a last minute switcheroo on me and gave me this terribly awesome leg day. As much as it sucked, it felt really good. Took Friday off then got up early Saturday morning to drive to my sisters for some early holiday festivities.
Got to her place Saturday, hung for a couple hours then snuck out to a Gold's Gym while everyone rested and napped. Another killer session with lots of tri-sets and quad-sets. Moved fast and had a HUGE pump.... almost couldn't even do my pullups my arms were so swollen.
Saturday night my kids went to stay with my parents at a hotel while I hung back and helped out at sis's house to prepare for breakfast in the morning. Let's just say it's a good thing I was not parenting that night. My son woke up in the middle of the night vomiting EVERYWHERE in the hotel room. So bad they had to change rooms at 5am.
He was feeling better and I'm pretty certain it was just a 24 hour bug. Unfortunately, by Sunday evening, I was nauseous and sweating the entire night. I managed to not throw up at all, but I was completely wiped and exhausted. Needless to say, training was not going to happen Monday. Texted Scott to tell him I wasn't feeling well and we would need to adjust training for the week. I slept quite a bit and ate toast and crackers. By Monday evening I was feeling ok, but still super tired. In bed and knocked out by 9pm.
Thursday - Legs
A1. Leg press 4x15
A2. Hamstring curls 4x8
A3. Pulsed lunges 4x15
30secs rest between each 2-3 mins after all three
B1. Narrow stance high box squat (ssb) 5x6
B2. Pull-ups 5x5
B3. Leg extensions 5x10-15
Same rest scheme
(pretty sure I took more rest than was called for...oops)
C1. Wide high hack squat 4x12
C2. Elevated reverse lunge 4x7ea
C3. Wall sit 4x45-60secs
Same rest
Saturday - Full upper swole session on the road
A1. DB bench press x12
A2. DB double arm row x12
A3. DB lateral raises x15
5 sets
B1. Standing BB shoulder press (push a bit with legs) x6
B2. Low cable row x15
B3. Double arm DB upright row x8
4 sets
C1. Push-ups x15-20
C2. Ez bar curls wide x10-12
C3. Pushdowns triangle bar x12-15
C4. Pull-ups x4-6
4 sets
D1. Machine shoulder press x8-12
D2. Hammer curls x8-10
D3. Machine laterals x8-12
4 sets