I just competed in NPC Junior Nationals on June 12-13. I came in with a much bigger and leaner package than years past. Moving into the off season I will be working on my raw strength and putting on size in my upper body. Competition plans are still to be determined. I will continue to work with Amit Sapir on my off-season dieting, gradually increasing food and working to put on some good muscle. Scott Paltos will be doing my training, reworking some strength work in with some volume work for the added muscle during the rebound dieting phase.
Back to a bit of normalcy on Monday.... meaning catching up on emails and work, laundry, cooking, taking the kids swimming (again), and training. Pushed back training to late afternoon to have a training partner again. Sarah has been tagging along once or twice a week so it's been fun to have someone to push with.
I'll get to the training logs in a bit.... but first my encounter with "weird guy" on Tuesday. Let's paint this picture... guy isn't much taller than me (and I'm only 5'3"), scruffy facial hair, do rag, tank top and kinda pudgy. First time he talked to me a few weeks ago, saw me doing shoulders and asked me, "Have you ever done this for shoulders? Have you ever tried this?"
Yes, yes, I have. Thanks.
So Tuesday, he makes sure to circle by where I'm at and says hello. I nod my head, but keep my hat down and eyes on my phone. Few minutes later he says, "Hey, do you know what a Zottman curl is?"
"Yes, I do."
"Ah. Cool, you really know a lot of the exercises from the 70's."
I politely say, "I've been around awhile. I kinda know what I'm doing." And I walk away. Few minutes later.... "So do you know the purpose of the Zottman curl?"
(Now, keep in mind that this is the same guy a few weeks back that told me he used to be a bodybuilder, won some state show, could bench 405 as a 16 year old and do a 385 lat pulldown.)
"Yes, I do." But then of course he proceeds to tell me what the purpose is, which really wasn't all that great of an explanation.
Few minutes later, I'm in the middle of a drop set on a shoulder press machine. He stands there, while I'm doing my set and says, "So, was your dad like a bodybuilder or something? Or how did you get into this?"
In between heavy breaths, and changing weights, I manage to muster out, "Nope. Just love training."
Few minutes later... "Do you know the purpose of the Arnold curl?"
At this point, I'm a little aggravated, as I look at my phone to pretend like I'm busying having a text conversation with someone. Which I actually was texting my friend to tell of this ridiculous story... to which my friend replies, "Tell him to fuck off."
I sorta blew off the Arnold curl question as he proceeded to tell me which part of the bicep it works as I slowly walk away. You'd think this story would be done by now, but it's not. As I'm finishing my face pulls, he comes up to me and says, "When is your birthday?"
Now, I'm completely thrown off. I hesitate and say October. "What day?" he asks. Not wanting to tell him my actual birthDAY, I make up a number. "8th," I say.
"Oh," he says with a look of disappointment. I thought for sure we had the same birthday, since we both share the same knowledge."
W. T. F???
I politely said, "Look, I went to school for this and I've been doing this for 20 years. So I kinda know what I'm doing. Please let me finish my workout."
"And you're the only Libra girl I know that is into lifting weights."
(Face. Palm.)
I finish my abs, chat with Sarah on my way out the door and I see Mr. Do Rag coming towards the front. "Ok, Sarah, I'm leaving before he sees me" and I jet out the door fast. I'm halfway through the parking lot and he yells, "Sissy Squats! Do you know those?"
Without even turning around to look, I say "yes" and keep walking.
This guy, since I obviously didn't make it clear enough that I just want him to leave me alone, will be getting an earful next time he approaches me.
Now onto training.....
A. Narrow stance squats 5x6 - used 185.
(I don't do well with flat soles and close stance squats. Looking into getting an elevated shoe)
B. Wide box squats 3x15 - used 135
(This smoked us!)
C. Single leg leg press 4x12
D1. Stiff DB deads 4x12 (lower back was PUMPED hard by this point)
D2. Bulgarian Splits w slight jump 4x15 each
E. Leg extensions giant drop set x10-12's
F. Lying hamstring curls giant drop set x10-12
TUESDAY - Shoulders
A. Bradford Double Press (over, back, and full press) 4x8
B1. Incline facing laterals 4x10
B2. Incline facing rears 4x15
C. Machine Presses 4x8-12 last set drop set
D. Standing single arm laterals 4x10
E. Rope face pulls 4x20
F. Abs (Knee tucks, rolling planks and V-ups)
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