I competed in NPC Junior Nationals on June 12-13. I came in with a much bigger and leaner package than years past. Moving into the off season I will be working on my raw strength and putting on size in my upper body. Competition plans are still to be determined with the possibility of some powerlifting in the late fall. I will continue to work with Amit Sapir on my off-season dieting, gradually increasing food and working to put on some good muscle. Scott Paltos will be doing my training, reworking some strength work in with some volume work for the added muscle during the rebound dieting phase.
Birthday week continues! Had ice cream with the kids and even some pizza. Thanks to all those that texted, messaged, called and my friends and family that sent gifts. Told ya... 35 year old birthday brat this year. 🙂
One gift I got was a book I'm working through. It's forcing me to journal some thoughts, which isn't always easy. But it's giving me an honest look at myself, my life and what I need to do to keep moving forward.
About a month ago I logged a piece about perfection. It's been a good reminder for me to go back and read. It segues right into this new book and what my mindset needs to be. It's been easy for me to get caught up in the stress of life and change. And it's easy to get focused on the hard times and what's NOT going right. But the mind is certainly plastic. It can be molded and shaped. Meaning... every time a negative thought comes in, it takes a conscious effort to recognize, deal, push it out and find a positive. It's creating a habit. Changing the chemical reactions that occur.
I won't lie... this is a struggle for me. But I'm also determined, just like many other aspects of my life, to keep working at it. It took me nearly 3 years to dig down and find a confident strong woman inside me, so changing a mindset is possible. Hopefully I can continue to write down some thoughts here as well.
Onto training............. another solid week in the books. Everything seems to be going really well. Strength is coming along, right where Scott says it should be. Muscle mass wise, I seem to be doing pretty well too. The goal was more size this off season and that seems to be going pretty good as well. Diet is going a little better. Finding different foods and meals to make it work and be a little easier to eat.
Bench, Shoulders
A. Bench press wide grip - 4x8-8-6-6
(135x8, 145x8, 155x6, 165x6!!)
B. Close grip bench - 4x12-12-10-8 drop set last
C1.seated lateral raises 3x15
C2. Front raises 3x12
C3. Bent over raises 3x15
D. Machine shoulder press - 3x25-20-15 rest pause last set
E. DB incline flyes 2x20
F. Rope pushdowns 3x15 drop sets
G. Heavy standing laterals 2x8 then one rack attack set x8's go heavy
Deadlift, legs
A. Conventional Deads - 5x4
(another adjustment made to this session after hitting 275x4, I took 300x2 and 315x2, then a down set of 275x6)
B. Front squat Pistons - 4x12
C. Hamstring single leg curl - 2x20 2x10 rest pause sets
D1. Hack squat - 4x20
D2. Leg extensions - 4x8
(that was another good combo that nearly killed me. Funny how that it sometimes... damn leg extensions)
E. Pulsed lunge no load 2x40 ea. any rom keep moving don't stop even if moving an inch
(this also put my quads over the edge... huge pump, but felt really good)
F. Abs 10mins
A. Pull downs - 4x12-10-10-8 drop set last
B. Hammer single arm row - 4x6-8 ea. drop set last
C. Rope stiff pull downs - 3xswole
D1. Pec deck reverse - 4x12-15 drop set
D2. Ez bar standing curls close - 4x12-15 drop set
D3. Rope pushdowns - 4x10 drop set
*** drop set last set of each
E. Under hand cable low row, Standing - 3x8-10 with holds
F1. Zottman curls - 3x8
F2. Triangle push-ups - 3x10