I competed in NPC Junior Nationals on June 12-13. I came in with a much bigger and leaner package than years past. Since July we have slowly transitioned from a bodybuilding split to more of a powerlifting/strength focus, while still hitting lots of volume to build mass. Scott Paltos has been doing my programming since March. We've added quite a bit of muscle and are continuing to work some technical things with my raw lifts.
Lately when I've been on the road it's been difficult to get training sessions in. But got some work in... nothing big because traveling usually kicks the crap out of me... sitting, flying, not eating well (sometimes junky and sometimes just not enough). But that's why training is always adjusted.
I can't say I remember exactly what I did... but it was something along the lines of this....
Narrow stance squats - 2x4, 1x4/4/4 rest pause set
Hack Squat (that had a terrible track and added more resistance to it) - 3x8, 4th set tempoed with pauses
Seated Leg curls - 4x15-20
Leg curls - 2x20, 3rd set, single leg x5 each, then 20 both
Iso Lunge holds - 2x30 seconds each
Bentover Rows - 2x12, 2x6, 1 drop set
Supinated pulldown - 4x a bunch of different sets... some single arm, some single then double, some single with iso hold.... lats were lit
Reverse Pec Deck - 3x20
Shrug machine - 3x10+10 (seated/bentover)
Face Pull/Straight arm pulldown - 3x20/swole
Dragon curls - 3x5+5 (holds + regular)
EZ bar culrs - 4x10
I'm going to write a separate log on the seminars that went down. I ran into some of my distance clients... some I had met before and some I hadn't. So that was a lot of fun. Scott and I spent about 4+ hours lecturing then did about 3 hours coaching. And we merely scratched the surface.