Pretty cool week of training. It was kinda the 3rd week of a mini-cycle, so I worked up heavy on bench and speed squats, then went down to London, OH for a heavy deadlift session at the S4 compound. Christian had pointed out a few things awhile back on my videos so we made plans to train together and tweak a few things. Helped tremendously
Aside from that it was just a great day at the compound. About 60 folks were there just all doing their thing. Seeing my teammates was awesome, as usual. I'll do another write up on the seminar and Sunday's training as well.
Life is settling. Mentally I'm in a good place. Some pieces are a work in progress, but isn't it always?
A. Swiss bar bench - worked up to 175x3
Down set 135x15
B. DB Incline with band around back 4x10
C1. Leaning laterals 4x12
C2. Fat bell front raise 4x12
D1. Decline DB extensions 4x12
D2. BB curls 4x10
E. Rope pushdowns 2x25
A. Speed box squats, bar weight only
2x2 @ 185
2x2 @ 205
2x2 @ 225
B. Snatch grip stiff legs 4x8
C1. Bulgarian split squats 4x8 each @ 60
C2. Leg curls 4x10, drop set last set
D. I forgot the rest
A. Wide grip low row - 4x12, drop set
B. Lat pulldown - 4x10
C. Seated row, banded - 4x10, drop set
D. Straight arm pulldown - 4x15
E. Rope low row - 3x20
F1. EZ bar skullcrushers
F2. Decline extensions
Friday at S4 Compound
A. Sumo deads,
worked up to 331x2
B. Pause deads 225x7, 5
C. Glute hams 3x10