I competed in NPC Junior Nationals on June 12-13. I came in with a much bigger and leaner package than years past. Since July we have slowly transitioned from a bodybuilding split to more of a powerlifting/strength focus, while still hitting lots of volume to build mass. Scott Paltos has been doing my programming since March. We've added quite a bit of muscle and are continuing to work some technical things with my raw lifts.
After crashing super early Monday night, I was feeling a lot better by Tuesday. Still not 100% but getting there. Trained Shoulders Tuesday while I slowly got some more food back in me.
Crashed early again at 9:15 Tuesday night... woke at 6am real quick, then dozed off again til almost 7:30. Just taking advantage of not having to get up early and rush kids off to school.
Since still getting food and energy back on track, we're taking a few more days of lower volume until all is back to normal. Still tired.... still feel like I could use a nap most days and I may need to do that while the kids are away for a few days with their dad. At this moment, they have a couple friends over.... they are being completely rambunctious and annoying but at least they are having fun. Pretty sure one can only take the continuous sound of a toy machine gun for so long.
Tuesday - Shoulders
A. DB seated shoulder press 5x10-15-8-20-6
B. Skull crushers Ez bar 4x12
C1. Heavy laterals seated 4x12
C2. Standing around the worlds 4x10
D. Hammer chest press 3x10 drop set last one
E. Pushdowns balls or triangle bar 3x25
(Really like using the muscle mace balls.... can be found HERE!)
Wednesday - Squats and legs
A. SSB 4x4 rpe7
B. Rev lunges w load 4x8 ea
C1. Close stance leg press 3x15
C2. Stiff Deads 3x12
D. Leg extensions 3x20
E. Abs - pulldown abs