I competed in NPC Junior Nationals on June 12-13. I came in with a much bigger and leaner package than years past. Moving into the off season I will be working on my raw strength and putting on size in my upper body. Competition plans are still to be determined with the possibility of some powerlifting in the late fall. I will continue to work with Amit Sapir on my off-season dieting, gradually increasing food and working to put on some good muscle. Scott Paltos will be doing my training. We've added quite a bit of muscle and are continuing to work some technical things with my raw lifts.
Right now, training consists of my main heavy bench day and then shoulders (which usually consists of some bench supplemental work). Definitely not meant to kill on this day, but to get in some good volume and also support getting my bench stronger.
The weather here has been uncannily nice. Like 70's. So instead of cardio'ing it at the gym, I've planned my walks around kids' pick up time. Take the long way to the school about 20 minutes (dog in tow) and then about 10-15 minutes back. It's been nice to get in some movement along with some sunshine.
I've been journaling a lot lately too. It seems to be a stress relief for me and clear my head, especially before bed time. Trying to be more in tune with how my body and mind feels. It's not easy. Haha. Especially when it comes to being honest about yourself.
Work in progress.
Monday - Shoulders
A. Push Press 4x12-10-8-12 drop set last one
(85x12, 95x10, 110x7, drop set 85, 70, 55)
B1. Machine Laterals 4x12-20 drop set last
B2. Seated Arnold's 4x8
C. Close grip bench press 4x12-10-8-8
(95x12, 115x10, 135x8, 135x8)
D1. Reverse pushdowns wide 4x12 rest pause last one
D2. Preacher curl wide 4x10 rest pause last one
E. Cable laterals single arm 4x12-15
F1. Machine dips 3x20 drop set
F2. Facing incline hammers 3x10 drop set