I competed in NPC Junior Nationals on June 12-13. I came in with a much bigger and leaner package than years past. Moving into the off season I will be working on my raw strength and putting on size in my upper body. Competition plans are still to be determined with the possibility of some powerlifting in the late fall. I will continue to work with Amit Sapir on my off-season dieting, gradually increasing food and working to put on some good muscle. Scott Paltos will be doing my training. We've added quite a bit of muscle and are continuing to work some technical things with my raw lifts.
Training at a commercial gym provides for some good stories. I always try to take into consideration that someone may be new, or has a reason for doing a strange exercise (shoot, I know sometimes my stuff looks crazy). But there's one guy who wears the same clothes, every day, for usually a couple months at a time. And I'm pretty sure he's not washing them daily.
Currently, he's in the Adrian Peterson jersey phase. Now, he wore this awhile back from about April to June. Then he moved on to a Bear's jersey. Then a light purple shirt for about a month. And now he's back to Peterson for the last couple weeks. Let's see how long this lasts.
Then you have the young kid wearing a sweat band and Ace bandages for knee wraps. No lie. Doesn't take them off between squat sets. Maybe they are just used to keep the joint warm? Yeah, that's it.
Monday - Shoulders and light pressing
A. Shoulder push press 4x10-8-6-6
(worked up to 120x6 which is the heaviest I've gone with these this training cycle)
B. Strict shoulder press 2x20
C1. Seated Laterals 3x12 drop set last one
C2. Standing Laterals 3x12 drop set last one
D. DB bench press on stability ball 4x15
(Worked up to 55's)
E1. Machine Shoulder press 3x12-15-20
E2. Rev incline rear raises 3x12-10-10 w 1 sec contraction each rep
F. Triangle bar pushdowns 4x20
G. Skull crushers w ez bar 3x12-swole