I just competed in NPC Junior Nationals on June 12-13. I came in with a much bigger and leaner package than years past. Moving into the off season I will be working on my raw strength and putting on size in my upper body. Competition plans are still to be determined. I will continue to work with Amit Sapir on my off-season dieting, gradually increasing food and working to put on some good muscle. Scott Paltos will be doing my training, reworking some strength work in with some volume work for the added muscle during the rebound dieting phase.
So far this week looks like this:
Sunday- Arms and Abs
Monday- Shoulders
Tuesday- Legs/Deads
Wednesday- HIIT
Thursday- Back
Scott's plan is to still push the bench work as usual, but then focus more on shoulders (with not as much pec work). Let's face it.. my pecs don't really need any more mass. I'll still do the chest work needed for my bench though... but I gotta find some cannonballs to insert into these delts. 😉
Diet is still high... lots of food, lots of carbs. Had a weekend of a few off plan meals. Not terrible... ok, well, maybe one was a BIG one. Also been giving myself a little leeway with sources. Example, last meal of the night is fish and rice. Who really wants to eat fish and rice at 10pm?? During prep, I will. But a few days ago, I decided to have an equal amount of Cheerios with egg whites for milk - yummmm. And I had ice cream Monday with the kids. BUT... I've got some accountability to bring it back in line to where it needs to be. 🙂
MONDAY - Shoulders
A. DB seated Shoulder press 6x10 @ 45's
B1. Three level laterals 4x10
B2. Bent over raises 4x15
(I was competely crippled after this... I think part of it was that I went heavier on my presses for so many sets, and part of it was lots of carbs over the weekend. But seriously... I love a good shoulder pump... this was almost painful.)
C1. Rope front raises 5x15
C2. Rev. pec deck 5x15
(After 2 rounds of this, I was laughing at myself. Yes, literally laughing at myself at the gym. No matter where I put my arms, nothing felt better. Pump was insane. Painful. Not a bad pain at all. Just crazy.)
D. Machine Shoulder Press 4x10 + drop set
(by the time I got here, I figured I would have the stack set to the first plate... haha. Managed a few good sets but the drop set was rough.
E. Push-ups x100 (did 5x20)
(I can usually finish 100 pushups in 3 sets... not today... and even sets of 20 got tough.)
A. Conventional Deads 6x3 @ 275, 295, 275x4 sets
(First set @ 275 felt great and fast. Second set @ 295 was good. Hit the 3rd set at 295 but after the first rep, I killed it. Went back to 275 for the last 4 sets. Gotta give myself a little credit that A) I suck at conventional and B) I haven't pulled heavy, or off the floor, for over a month, maybe longer. I'm not concerned as I know it will come back fast. Also working on some of my other issues that I know will make my deadlift jump in the long run.... post about these technical issues coming soon)
B. Sumo stiffeys 4x8 @ 225
C. Goblet squats 4x20 with hold
D1. Hamstring curls standing 4x8ea
D2. Bulgarians pulsed 4x15
E. Leg extensions, alternated 3x15, mixed tempo with slow/fast reps
F. Wide stance air squats x50, narrow stance air squats x50
WEDNESDAY - HIIT/Conditioning
20 sec on /40 sec off
Alternating arms
Double arms
Circles in
Circles out
Alternating small
1min work /3mins off (ended up shortening this rest to 1 minute. Harder for sure, but much better.)
5 rounds
10 KB swings
10 push-ups
10 reverse lunges
10 sec on/ 20 sec off - 8 rounds
Mountain climbers