I competed in NPC Junior Nationals on June 12-13. I came in with a much bigger and leaner package than years past. Since July we have slowly transitioned from a bodybuilding split to more of a powerlifting/strength focus, while still hitting lots of volume to build mass. Scott Paltos has been doing my programming since March. We've added quite a bit of muscle and are continuing to work some technical things with my raw lifts.
Tuesday was my main shoulder day. We usually include some secondary pressing work (something other than regular competition grip bench). The process has been working real well. Comp bench one day, secondary work the other.
Tuesday - Shoulders/ bench accessories
A. DB lateral raises 3x20
B. Close grip bench press 4x6 @ 155
C. DB High incline 3x15 drop set last one
D1. DB seated piston press 4xswole
D2. Rev pec deck 4x15
D3. Piston laterals 4xswole
E. DB pullovers 2x15
F. Rope pushdowns 4x15
No comp stance squats today... stuck with narrow stance which feels good on the hip. Lacrosse ball and stretches have been helping as well. Finally feel like I have some pop back so that's good.
One of the guys from the old Quads gym decided to join in with me today. He bonked out after a couple sets of 12 squats and only did 5's. Then tried the goodmorning squats.... #soulcrushed. He bounced and I finished the rest of the session solo.
Wednesday - Squats/legs
A. Narrow stance high bar squats 4x12 (185, 195, 205, 205)
B. SSB good morning squats 4x8 @ 135
C1. Leg press high stance x15
C2. Seated hamstring curls x15
No rest x4 sets
(I may have laid on the floor after this... but my hamstrings wanted to cramp up, so it was more like roll around, stand, sit, roll some more. At this point, I think I texted Scott to let him know I may be dying.)
D1. Wall sit x60secs
D2. Leg extension x30sec
No rest x4 sets
(After this, I just said, "Can I do my abs tomorrow please?")
E. Abs x10 mins (yeah, these didn't happen)
I love these goodmorning squats. They really hit my hams and mid back and the squat portion feels good. Hips felt great today too. These are definitely worth throwing into your arsenal.