Wrist issues are still there, but it *seems* to be slowly getting better. Well, maybe not "better", but less pain. Wanted to see how straight bar benching again would affect it.... no better, but no worse.
I"m also being more diligent with my recovery stuff.... rolling, using the floss band and digging in some trigger points. Main points seem to be forearm and bicep tendon related, so I'm going to keep up with that regardless.
Squats have been feeling ok, but I know there's a few things I need to still improve on. My squats are always the lift that seem to be lagging... like anything, a constant work in progress.
It's October and I love October... fall, Halloween, football, baseball post season play (Go CUBS!) and of course, this was birthday week. Had some wonderful gifts and messages from friends and family... and was even greeted with my son puking on the evening of my birthday... and then two days later an evening of my daughter sharing in the puke fest... that was a good time.
Life is moving and busy and some deep reflections have been keeping me focused... on me. Some much needed time to keep digging into me.
Training October 9-13
A. Bench, worked up to 165x5, paused
B. 3 board, worked up to 185x7
C1. Chain chest flyes 4x12
C2. Fat bell rows 4x12
D1. Chain skullcrushers 4x12
D2. Laterals 4x12
A. Box squats vs 2 chains 6x2 @ 165
B. 1.5 stiff leg deads 4x8
C. Leg extensions 4x10, drop set last set
D. Prowler push 6x down and back (slow driving steps)
A. Bench vs. chain 9x3 @ 95
B. DB Standing shoulder press 4x10
C1. Seated laterals
C2. Seated cleans
C3. Straight bar face pulls
D. EZ bar skulls 4x8 slow eccentrics + 12 close grip presses
E. EZ preacher curls 4x8, slow eccentrics
F. Side lying rear raises 3x12
A. Squats
B. SSB Goodmornings 4x8
C1. SSB Reverse lunge 4x6 each
C2. Leg ext 4x6 each
D1. Pullups 4x10
D2. Band leg curls 4x15
E. Adductors 2x12
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