I competed in NPC Junior Nationals on June 12-13. I came in with a much bigger and leaner package than years past. Moving into the off season I will be working on my raw strength and putting on size in my upper body. Competition plans are still to be determined with the possibility of some powerlifting in the late fall. I will continue to work with Amit Sapir on my off-season dieting, gradually increasing food and working to put on some good muscle. Scott Paltos will be doing my training, reworking some strength work in with some volume work for the added muscle during the rebound dieting phase.
Nothing like starting off the next build-up phase with a squat session that left me close to vomiting. Good news is the technical work is still on point. I know I talk about it a lot in my logs, but this is HUGE for me. And a true testament to the fact that you need to fix your shit. We've been able to fix my technique and continue to build and get stronger, so that's a good sign... and proof that I'm not a complete technical idiot.
I haven't posted these progress pics even though they were done a month ago. The pic on the left was taken March 7th, just a few weeks prior to my powerlifting meet. I was about 132-134 here. The pic on the right is from September 3rd... 6 months after the other. I was 138.
My show was in June and since then, we have built up my food intake to about 2600 calories and 375g of carbs. My weight increased from my stage weight of 123 to about 133 in the following month after the show. Amit wanted me to sit at 138 and stay pretty hard. Slowly got to 138 and that's where I'm at now.
But it wasn't just the diet, although YES, you do have to EAT to GROW. Scott's training has been on point with just what I need. A slow transition from the high volume bodybuilding stuff to gradually getting back into heavier work AND still hammering out the volume-based details needed for my aesthetic weak points. Bringing up my shoulders, hamstrings and even my arms a bit... all while bringing up my RAW bench, squat and deadlift. Frequency of each body part/lift is higher now.
To say I'm happy with not only the aesthetic and strength progress, but also how I FEEL is an understatement. I have NEVER been this heavy and yet this solid and lean. Amit, thank you for your attention the last 9 months, for pushing me to eat and grow and trust in the process. Scott, thank you for watching countless technique videos, making training adjustments due to stress/life, keeping my goals at the front of my mind, forcing me to learn and change, and pushing me to be better... and making it all fun in the process. You both know I still have big things I'd like to achieve and with this year coming to a close, I can't wait for next year to bring even bigger and better things. 🙂 Thanks for believing in me. I couldn't ask for a better #team.
Enough sappy stuff............. NOW.... onto training.
TUESDAY - Squats and legs
A. Regular stance squats - 5x12-10-8-6-4
(@ 155, 175, 195, 215, 245... kinda messed up my jumps there, but was only 5# off of where Scott wanted me for the last set.... still good though.)
B. Narrow stance Pistons - 5x10 (@155, 165)
C1. Hamstring curls lying 4x12
C2. Leg extensions 4x20
(This superset ALWAYS crushes me... my quads about cramped up)
D. Pulsed lunges vs bands - 4x30ea leg
E. Wall sit below parallel - 4x45 secs with foot placement changes
F. Leg press x100 (did 2x50, varied foot position)
G. Abs 10mins
WEDNSDAY - Back and Arms
A. Lat pull downs -4x12
B. Bell up Neutral pull-ups - 5x5
C1. Supinated pulldown - 4x12-12-10-10
C2. DB pullover - 4x15
D. Kneeling rope pulldowns - 4x20-15-12-10, last set drop set
E1. Machine curls - 3x12
E2. Skull crushers - 3x10
F1. DB Supinated curls -3x12-12-10
F2. Incline Tate presses -3x10
G. Lat stretch w band