I competed in NPC Junior Nationals on June 12-13. I came in with a much bigger and leaner package than years past. Since July we have slowly transitioned from a bodybuilding split to more of a powerlifting/strength focus, while still hitting lots of volume to build mass. Scott Paltos has been doing my programming since March. We've added quite a bit of muscle and are continuing to work some technical things with my raw lifts.
Been awhile since I've trained on a Sunday but it worked out schedule-wise and plays into the upcoming week as well. No squats today, which was welcomed.... until I really got into the training session.
The rack pulls with eccentric stiff leg return were no joke.... and for 8 reps. 5 sets of anything is brutal but when it's pullups and leg press, I'm sucking wind. Oh, and then move on to snatch grip stiff leg? Ok, sure! I was pretty convinced after the last 2 weeks of leg sessions that I was just severely out of shape. Turns out my volume is just wicked high and the sessions are deadly. I gladly accept if it means getting strong(her) and bigger and better developed for next year.
Funny gym story... Now if you know me, you know I typically don't just make fun of people at the gym for the sake of making fun. We've all been beginners. We've all done stupid shit. We've all made mistakes. So when I tell stories, there's usually a moral to it. There's one kid who I think I mentioned before (he wore Ace wraps on his knees for knee wraps). He was deadlifting next to me. Pulled maybe 405. Jumped to 455 and missed, like stapled to the floor. (Note... 50# jump when your max is maybe mid 4's.... that's an awful high percentage... don't do that.)
Moves on to rack pulls next to me, just like I'm doing. He does a terrible set at 315 in which he is bouncing the bar off the pins and then dropping the bar on the last rep. (He likes to make a lot of noise racking, unracking, changing weights.) I kindly said, "Hey, be careful doing that cuz it bends the bars." I don't think he heard me with his ear buds in.
So he does his next set at 365. This one a little less bouncy, but still smashing against the pins pretty good. After that set, I got his attention and said, "Please don't bounce and drop the bar like that. It bends them and that's why all the bars in here are bent." "Oh, ok..... hey are you competing at the meet at Lance's gym coming up?"
"No, I'm not."
"You should, you're pretty strong. You'd do well."
"Yeah.... no, I'm taking some time off from competing.... I've been competing for over 15 years."
"Really?? 15 years?? Wow....."
"Have you ever won anything?"
(I avoided this question because I hate when people ask me if I've "won" anything.... yes, I have.... several Senior Nationals, and a ton of other meets. But those of us in the sport know that "winning" certain meets isn't really what it's about and trying to explain it to people who don't know the sport gets annoying.)
"Yeah.... but I'm just taking some time off right now. If I do it, it will be a last minute decision."
"You should definitely do it."
K. Thanks.
So then he takes a jump to 455 and missed again. Stapled from the pins. One of the powerlifter guys had come over at this point and I overhead them talking. The kids was explaining that his "weak point" is his pull off the floor. So the powerlifter said, "well, then you might want to try deficits instead of rack pulls."
MORAL OF THE STORY: Don't drop bars on the pins.... respect the equipment no matter what gym you're at.
Oh, and don't jump 50-100 pounds (unless you are really really strong).
And.... sometimes your "weak point" is that the weight is just TOO HEAVY.
Sunday (little different) - Legs (with hammie focus and back)
A. Rack pull w eccentric stiff return 4x8 @ 255
B1. Pull-ups x7
B2. Leg press narrow x15
Minimal rest 5 sets
C1. Snatch Grip Stiff legs 4x8
C2. Rope Pulldowns 4x4
D. Wide hack squat 3x12
E. Heels touch hack squat 2x25
F. High incline walk 6-10% incline slow pace 5 min
ALSO... Still time to get in on these two seminars this coming weekend if you're in the DC/Virginia area. Shoot me an email and I'll get you the registration info.... Julia.Ladewski@gmail