Recent comps:
Nov 5, 2016 NPC Midwest Gladiator Chicago - Women's Physique
Sept 24, 2016 NPC Indianapolis Grand Prix - Women's Physique
May 7, 2016 RPS Mid-Atlantic Powerlifting - Raw 132, Pro total
June 12, 2015 NPC Junior Nationals - Women's Physique
Scott Paltos has been doing my programming since March 2015 for both powerlifting and physique. Read back at previous training logs to see what my off-season contained to prep for both PL and physique. May - September we coined #creatingamonster to bring a bigger package to the stage. With physique comps done for 2016, we will transition back to strength work in preparation for the Arnold.
Another week of building in the books. Things felt awesome and groove on my lifts feels great. Really just getting used to the heavy stuff again. Which is important to give the joints, tendons and ligaments a chance to catch up.
Feeling good. Cardio is still in about 3 days a week. And diet is moderate now, although ramping up a little each week. Just gotta keep it clean.
Take a peek at the week's training and as always if you have any questions about my programming, just leave a comment! 🙂
A. Squat 6x7-5-3-3, worked up to 225, then 2x10 down sets
B. Deficit sumo stiffeys 4x10
C. Reverse lunges 4x7ea
D. Hamstring curls 4x15
E. Hack squat 4x20
F. Abs
A. Pull-ups 5x7 BB style
B. Meadows rows 4x15-12-10-8
C1. Rear pec decks 4x12
C2. Straight arm pulldown 4x15
D1. Close grip pulldowns 4x12
D2. Mid range pull-up hold
E. DB rack attack shrugs x2 sets 8-20 each
F. Banded pullaparts x100
A. Close grip bench press 5x12-10-8-6-6, worked up to 145
B1. Rolling triceps 7x8
B2. Lateral raises 7x15
C. Machine shoulder press neutral 4x10-12-15-20
D1. Mace pushdowns 4x20
D2. DB upright rows 4x10
E. Catapult wide push-ups x100
A. 3" block pulls, worked up to 365x3, 380x3, 400x2
B. Pull-ups BB style 4x10
C. Hamstring curls 5x15
D. Chest supported rows 4x15-12-10-10
E. Straight arm pulldowns 4xswole w/ rest pauses
F. Lat pulldowns x1 drop set
A. 50% speed bench 12x2 with 1 chain
B. Seated Arnold's 4x12
C. Machine laterals 4x15 w/ rest pauses
D. Rope upright rows 4x12 w/ rest pauses
E. Dips 5x5
F. Banded pushdowns x200