Recent comps:
Nov 5, 2016 NPC Midwest Gladiator Chicago - Women's Physique
Sept 24, 2016 NPC Indianapolis Grand Prix - Women's Physique
May 7, 2016 RPS Mid-Atlantic Powerlifting - Raw 132, Pro total
June 12, 2015 NPC Junior Nationals - Women's Physique
Scott Paltos has been doing my programming since March 2015 for both powerlifting and physique. Read back at previous training logs to see what my off-season contained to prep for both PL and physique. May - September we coined #creatingamonster to bring a bigger package to the stage. With physique comps done for 2016, we will transition back to strength work in preparation for the Arnold.
This was the final week, a deload week before really getting into the heart of prep for the Arnold. So I guess there wasn't much of an off-season. But the transition period was a good building block to move to the heavier work and the rebound from the show has proved to really help. Some of the heavier weights feel heavy (obviously) but the strength is there and it's moving well. Which is really all I care about. Nervous system will catch up to the heavy feeling fast.
A. Squats SSB 8x2 @ 155
B. Leg press 5x20
C. Single leg hamstring curls 4x12 drop set
D. Pulsed Bulgarians x100 each
E. abs 5mins
Deload Week
Day 1
A. Bench press 100 x1@8
B. DB neutral grip floor press 3x12
C. Machine shoulder press 3x15
D. Lateral Raises 3x20
Day 2
A. Squat 150 7x2
B. Dead 200 6x1
C. GHR 5x8-10
D. Heels elevated goblet squats 3x10
E. abs 5mins
Day 3
Ropes x1000 reps
Every stop
x5 push-ups
x5 squats
x5 jumping jacks
30mins no stop
Increase weight every 10 minutes
Bird dogs
Pull-ups x30