I competed in NPC Junior Nationals on June 12-13. I came in with a much bigger and leaner package than years past. Since July we have slowly transitioned from a bodybuilding split to more of a powerlifting/strength focus, while still hitting lots of volume to build mass. Scott Paltos has been doing my programming since March. We've added quite a bit of muscle and are continuing to work some technical things with my raw lifts. No comp dates set in stone but looking at a meet this spring and a show in the summer.
Little deload work which was much needed. Hit two heavier bench sessions last week, lotta squatting and pulling, lots of volume. Still tons of good work though, but giving the body a little rest is always good.
A. DB bench press 5x15 @ 55
B. High incline neutral DB press 2x30
C1. Machine shoulder press 4x8-10 drop set last set
C2. DB laterals, 3 levels 4x30 drop set last set
D. Close push-ups vs mini band 3x15
E. Machine laterals 3x12
F1. Mace ball pushdowns 3x30
F2. Pushup hold 3x10secs
This lower deload session is another story. "Oh, good, no heavy squats" I thought.... Silly Julia. I think I would've rather dealt with some hip pain with heavy squats than go through that torturous mess again. Blah. It doesn't look too bad on paper but if you really push yourself and don't fluff through it........ The "C" complex nearly killed me. No really... I almost died. I powered through, walked over to the leg curl machine and immediately was met with a flush, cold, chilled feeling. After each set of leg curls, I felt like my intra-workout drink was going to come back up. Standing felt awful and sitting didn't help either. I managed to finish, then I laid on the ground. Nothing felt comfortable and legs were throbbing no matter what position. I probably could've fell asleep right there. I hobbled to my car, drove home and laid on the couch where I fell asleep for 20 minutes. I love me post-leg day naps. Wednesday
A. Leg press 5x15
B. 1.5 DB stiff leggeds 4x8
C1. Goblet Pistons 4x25
C2. Pulsed lunges 4x20ea
C3. Pulsed air squats 4x50
D. Hamstring curls 4x8
E. Leg extensions 4x20