I competed in NPC Junior Nationals on June 12-13. I came in with a much bigger and leaner package than years past. Since July we have slowly transitioned from a bodybuilding split to more of a powerlifting/strength focus, while still hitting lots of volume to build mass. Scott Paltos has been doing my programming since March. We've added quite a bit of muscle and are continuing to work some technical things with my raw lifts. No comp dates set in stone but looking at a meet this spring and a show in the summer.
Headed down to London, Ohio for the weekend to train with my teammates. We have a few getting ready for the Arnold and other upcoming meets. Plus I hadn't seen my girl Yessie for a long time.
Got down there Friday afternoon and we filmed a bit of interview footage... talked training (strength vs. size and how to successfully compete in both powerlifting and bodybuilding), youth sports performance, and other reader questions we received through Instagram.
Saturday morning we hit up some breakfast, then Yessie and I benched together. Pretty decent day although probably a tad heavier than I should've gone. Bench wasn't as wide and couldn't quite get my feet where I wanted them. Just one of those days where I didn't feel set. BUT... figured out a few things after Scott watched video. My first two reps are smooth and strong. Before the third rep, I let out all my air to take another deep breath. He thinks I'm getting too loose and it's hard for me to re-tighten... then I end up hitting high on my chest and misgrooving it. Sooo... gotta play with that a bit. Plus making sure my feet are where they need to be so I can drive back and not straight down. (Watch video close for the things I talk about. Always helpful to learn from others) 🙂
Good to see Brandon hit some good squats going into the Arnold and Mario and Joe as well for their meet.
A. Bench press 5x3 @ 160/170
B. Close grip 3xfail @ 145 with catapult/slingshot
C1. Lateral raises ears/chest 4x6/6
C2. DB Seated Cubans 4x10
D. Rope pushdowns 3x15-swole
E. Decline push-ups 2xfail
We all were able to help each other... hand outs, wrap and unwrap knees, run monolifts, back spot... that's what a team does and it was good to be around that again. Sunday training was quiet. Yess hit some deads while I cambered bar squatted. Nothing crazy, but just wanted to see how hip would hold up. Good news, ZERO pain while squatting. Little tight afterwards, but a 4.5 hour car ride didn't help. Finished with some hams, back and lotta lunges.
A. Cambered bar narrow to moderate stance 6x6-6-4-4-12-12
B1. Stiff Snatch Grip dead 1.5's 4x6
B2. Chest supported rows 4x12
C1. Lat pull downs 4x8
C2. Reverse Lunges 4x6ea
D. Pulsed lunges 30secs on 30sec off. 4 sets each leg
Thanks Sheena and Yessica for letting me crash at your place. Yess and Molly.... you girls rock. Being there to listen and talk to and catch up on everything. Love you girls.