I competed in NPC Junior Nationals on June 12-13. I came in with a much bigger and leaner package than years past. Since July we have slowly transitioned from a bodybuilding split to more of a powerlifting/strength focus, while still hitting lots of volume to build mass. Scott Paltos has been doing my programming since March. We've added quite a bit of muscle and are continuing to work some technical things with my raw lifts. Possible raw meet in May and a physique show later in the summer.
Wow... time escaped me for a week. Let's see what's going on....
* Coaching youth athletes again. LOVE it... most of the time. Haha. It's exhausting and I forget how much I put into it. I don't take my sessions lightly, nor do I let the kids take them lightly. We have a lot of fun and a lot of laughs, but I always want them to work.
* Kids had 5 days off of school...... 5 days. Had some fun of course, but it makes balancing all the things that are usually done during school hours a bit more difficult. We managed and they were patient with all my running around.
* (Pull up to gym to train. Get out of car.) "Hey mom?"... "Yes dear." "Do we really have a flat tire?" (walk around to other side of the car.) "Yep kiddo, I guess we do." Just another wrench in life.
* Traveled a few days to do some family stuff. Nice to get away but definitely lose a few days of normal routine.
What's to come?? Well... looks like I have a meet picked out. Yes, I'll be doing a raw meet, much to the chagrin of some of my teammates. Haha. But in all seriousness, they are supportive and excited. Let's face it, getting in gear without a training crew is pretty tough. Plus, I've thoroughly enjoyed training raw and bringing that up. I will disclose the meet info once the entry form is sent in and details are finalized. After the raw meet, I'll be looking for shows in the late summer.
Also, word 'round the campfire is that eliteFTS is going to be having some more clinics and seminars coming up! And I know there's one for sure that the ladies won't want to miss.
BUT..... let's move on to training and get caught up from last week.
Thursday Deload-ish
A. SSB squats 7x3 RPE 5
B. Pulsed lunges 4x20ea
C. Leg curls 3x12
D. Leg extensions 3x15
E. Single leg stiff leg deads 3x8ea
F. Abs 5mins
A. Close grip bench 6x6-6-4-3-10-10
(@ 135, 145, 155, 165 (shit the bed and wasn't smooth, but didn't miss), 135, 135)
B. Neutral grip incline press 4x15
C1. Skull crushers 4x10
C2. Ez curls close 4x12
D1. OH DB Ext 4x15
D2. Concentration curls 4x12
E1. Machine laterals 4x10
E2. Rear incline raises 4x12
E3. DB incline shrugs 4x8
F. Push-ups x100
A. Lat pull downs 5x10 warmup well
B1. Rope straight arm pulldowns 4x15
B2. Pull-ups 4x4 fast as hell
C. Rack pulls 4x15
D. Cable rows 3x12
E. Db shrugs 3x25
NOTE: The rack pulls were done on back day for the lat work, not necessarily the spinal erector work. Watch close, lats get clamped DOWN hard. It's not a shoulders back position. Keeping the bar in close to your body on a big pull needs to have strong lats that are locked in tight. Also carries over to your bench and squat too
A. DB floor press 5x6 rpe7
B1. Cable laterals 4x10-12
B2. Plate front raises 4x15
C. Dips 4x12
D. Piston OH press 4x20
E. Preacher curls 3x12
F1. OH tri extensions 3x10
F2. Zottman curls 3x8
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