I competed in NPC Junior Nationals on June 12-13. I came in with a much bigger and leaner package than years past. Moving into the off season I will be working on my raw strength and putting on size in my upper body. Competition plans are still to be determined with the possibility of some powerlifting in the late fall. I will continue to work with Amit Sapir on my off-season dieting, gradually increasing food and working to put on some good muscle. Scott Paltos will be doing my training, reworking some strength work in with some volume work for the added muscle during the rebound dieting phase.
So far this week is off to a good start. Finished out the birthday extravaganza celebrating with some family (my adorable niece who shares the same birthday as me!) It was a great weekend... and a great birthday week. Some much needed time and celebration of ME! Nothing wrong with that every once in awhile. 😉
Benched on Monday and did pretty well. Hit 170x4. Which I think a few weeks back I hit 175x3. So yeah, going good. Right shoulder is still a little "off" and pinchy. Gotta dig in there and see what's going on.
Not much else on the training front other than cardio is hit or miss. My usual long dog walk in the morning is non-existent due to getting the kids off to school solo. I always have intentions of walking after training but 9 times out of 10, I'm rushing out to get the kids from school. I can manage about 20 minutes in the afternoon with the kids as they ride their bikes.
Diet is there... changing up some foods so I can actually eat them. Chili, chicken in the crock pot, beef stew... I think a couple months of eating some different things will help to get my appetite back a bit.
Training weeks typically look like the following:
Bench (with shoulders)
Squats (with legs and deads mixed in every few weeks)
Back (and arms)
MONDAY - Bench, shoulders, arms
A. Bench press (wide grip) 2x8 2x6 2x4 1x15
(135x8, 145x8, 155x6, 165x6, 170x4, 170x4, 125x15)
B. Cable laterals (cheating) 4x10-12
C1. DB seated shoulder press. (Supported) 4x8
C2. Ez bar curls (wide) 4x10-10-8-8
D. Skull crushers 5x15-12-10-10-20
E1. Incline hammer 4x15
E2. DB hammer curls 4x8-12
F. Machine laterals 3x10 each are rest pause (2 rest pauses at 8 breaths)
G. Push-ups x50 vs mini band
(I like how the guy with decline bench up his butt looks like a statue in the video)
Tuesday - Squats and legs
A. High bar comp stance 2x12 2x8 4x4 (135x12, 155x12, 185x8, 195x8, 205x4, 215x4, 225x4, 225x4) Left hip is still pinching. Hit up the chiropractor so we'll see how that makes it feel next week.
B. Single leg leg press 3x12
C1. Single leg hamstring 4x12-12-8-8
C2. Pulsed lunges 4x25ea
D. Pull-ups 2x fail
E. Hack squat close stance 4x12 (4 slow eccentric. 4 fast pump no lock out. 4 regular)
F. Pull throughs 3x25
G. Abs 10mins
Wednesday - Back and arms
A. Low cable row Close handle neutral 4x12-12-10-10 drop set last
B1. Pull-ups weighted 4x3
B2. Rope stiff arm pulldowns 4x15 hard on lats here swole them up
C. Hammer underhand pulldown 4x12 (4 fast 4 regular 4 slow)
D1. Db rolling triceps 4x8
D2. Db zottmans 4x6
D3. Face pulls 4x12
E1. Db shrugs 3x20 double impact
E2. Db double arm row (stay almost vertical and pull low lats in) 3x20 light
F1. Banded pushdowns 4x20
F2. Supinated semi incline Db curls 4x10