Program Details:
Week 1 is the first week of September. – 10ish weeks until first competition
Training Considerations:
This post will only address the athletes experienced in Conjugate training.Experienced just means they are not new to the system, not truly expericnecd. We’ll also assume the athletes have trained over the summer so we don’t have to do remedial training. The summer program would have been a progression starting in May to prep them for these loads and demands. Athletes have to push the pace during training. As soon as their partner finishes a set they have to jump under the bar.
4 days per week. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday. Team trains early in the morning. Practice is in the afternoon after 3pm.
- Lacrosse ball in pec and front delt
- Mod. Push up x25/ banded facepull x 25 – 4 rounds
- 2 Board Press – 1 RM
- 2 board press @80% of 1RM- 2 sets to failure
- 1 arm DB row on bench – 3x8
- Skull Crusher Push up on bench – 3xfail
- Banded Side bend – 4x25
- Banded shoulder traction – 30 rotations / position
- Neck – 3x20
- 4-7 can be done in any order to avoid traffic jams
- Lacrosse ball in glutes and psoas
- Back Ext x 15 bwt / Groiners- x 30
- Seated Weighted Footslam Box Jump – 3x5
- Speed Squat w/ SSYOKE vs 3chain – 10x2
- KB swing – 4x20
- Single leg back ext – 4x10
- Prone banded leg curls - 150 total
- Spread eagle sit ups – 4x25
- Chain Knee Raise – 3x30
- Banded Hip Mobility – 30 / position
- 5-8 can be done in any order to avoid traffic jams
- Lacrosse ball in pec and front delt
- Mini band pull apart x 25/ Barbell skull crusher x 25- just bar
- Speed bench vs bands and 30% max – 10x3
- DB Floor Press – 3x15
- Inverted row w/ blast straps – 4x fail
- Shrug death – 1 round
- Fat bar curls – 3x 15
- Banded triceps – 200 total
- 1 arm DB farmer walks – 4 trips down and back
- Banded shoulder traction
- 5-9 can be done in any order to avoid traffic jams
- Lacross ball in glutes and psoas
- Seated abduction x 25/ Groiners x 30
- Weighted kneeling jumps – 3x5
- SSYOKE bar vs 3-5 chain – 1RM
- 80% of #4- 2 sets to near failure – take half this weight off and leave Yoke bar set up w/ chain
- Yoke bar w/ chain – march in place – 3x45 seconds – knee to waist height
- Rev Hyper – 4x30
- GHR – 3x fail
- Weighted sit up – 4x25
- CGNG – 3x 8 – do what you have to make 8 reps very hard
- Banded hip mobility
- 6-10 can be done in any order to avoid traffic jams