Band shoulder dislocates
Bird dogs
Lying scap retractions
OHP w/footabll bar
OHP warm-up 60x5
Band face pulls x25
OHP warm-up 75x5
Split Squat x15 each
OHP warm-up 95x5
Band face pulls x25
OHP Work Set 110x5
Split Squat x15 each
OHP Work Set 125x5
Pull-ups w/mini x7
OHP Work Set 145x5
Pull-ups w/mini x7
OHP 110x8
Pull-ups w/mini x7
OHP 110x8
Pull-ups w/mini x7
OHP 110x8
Dbl Shrug 60x20
OHP 110x8
Dbl Shrug 60x20
OHP 110x8
Back raise x25
Time 32:41
Band shoulder dislocates
Bird dogs
Lying scap retractions
5:00 Warmup walk
6 rounds :90 run/:120 walk
5:00 Cooldown Walk
31:00 total
Foam rolling
My shoulders felt a little banged up Tuesday after Monday's session. I need to get my ohp form in order. I am doing them seated because my basement ceiling is too low for standing. My legs also felt pretty fried. The split squats are brutal The coolest thing was that while in the split squat I looked down at my shaky legs and saw veins through my sweat pants. That's a whole new kind of pr.
As I was getting to my last couple of sets I looked at the clock and saw that I had plenty of time to come in under 45 minutes. Then I remembered why I was doing all of this, to kick a$$ and get into great shape. So I huffed and puffed and forged ahead.
Running this week is getting harder. I turned up the treadmill to 4.2. I know this is not fast, but I have done all of my work on 3.3 for months now. Meanwhile the program bumped up from 25 minutes last week to 31 this week. I have goals so I just did it.
Rolling and stretching felt good afterwards. The body is feeling more right by the day. The five minute am sessions are paying dividends as well. The little things add up.
So last night I fell asleep on the couch. I consume the majority of my calories in the late afternoon to evening. My metabolism gets humming. I often sweat pretty good while I sleep. I guess that could be gross, but I have awesome man pheromones, so I consider Jess lucky. Anyway because I passed out on the couch and it's not as comfy as the bed, I woke around midnight. I was starving. If I was in bed I would be too lazy and too scared of trying to get down the stairs half asleep to forage. However, on the main floor I was just a few steps from the kitchen.
I knew I had a box of cookies made by those devious little Girl Scouts who prey on people like me. I always feel too guilty to say no, and why say no when saying yes feels so good anyway. Fast forward, I told myself I'd have a few. Yep, I ate the whole box. Now that is nothing compared to damage I'd do in the past, but I have not done something like that in a while. Moral of the story, disband the Girl Scouts, no, I mean get to bed and remove the temptation.
I completely understand eating all of something rather than having a just a few. When I start I seem to have the attitude of not leaving a job undone.
I only just saw your 220 picture. Dude... I think you made it. I know you still have progress to make in your mind, but yeah man, you made it.