I got an email (yes, only one) from a guy who told me that he likes to see my workouts once in a while. I really don't think my training is all that interesting, I'm more or less doing a "powerbuilding" type of training now and I pretty much hammer a few pet lifts that I really like with a small assortment of other things thrown in. Basically I'm only doing the shit that I like at this point.
Today me and my buddy Don did a shoulder workout that looked like this:
Barbell press (standing): I worked up to a heavy single and then did five singles with it.
Viking press (with chains added): we did 6 really grinding sets
Dumbbell side raise, we did these with the weight starting behind our backs and raised with the thumbs down. 5 drop sets
Upright rows: 4 high rep sets
It was a good pump, those chain vikings really did us in. My arms feel like limp noodles right now.