Prowler 3 laps light
Activations with ab work
Reverse Hypers 4x12 pre, 1x30 something post
RDLs warmed up to 315 and did 10x2 on the minute. Staying on the breath was not as easy here.
Farmers walk around the building. Several sit downs but okay. They are the 100lb per ones by themselves.
Prowler 1 lap med heavy, 1 no weight nonstop, 1 walk
Activations with 120lb x wife floor presses 5x12
Static gut BT roll 10 mins
Fat Bell press with 5 2 0 tempo 6repx3 sets per weight x 3 rounds
Bandbell press with monster mini 5x6
Prowler two laps med heavy, one lap walk
Reverse Hypers 4x12
Dumbell obliques 8x8
Wide grip MAG bar pulldowns 10x10
Narrow grip MAG bar pulldowns 6x12
Two laps prowler light. One lap walk