Today’s topic is Old Man Conjugate: High Blood Pressure. It’s the silent killer and should not be taken lightly. I’m not going to bore you with the causes, what it does and all of the stuff you probably already know, or have heard.
I am going to tell you that it is Wicked Serious as we say in Boston and it will most likely kill you if left unchecked.
This article is not medical advice. If you have any medical condition including high blood pressure, do not treat it from something you read on the internet. See your doctor.
Why are you talking about this Murph you ask?
Let me tell you a story!
I’ve got sky high blood pressure.
Well, not so much now, but I did. And I don’t want to be on meds for anything. As a matter of fact, when I went in for Quato surgery they asked me multiple times why I didn’t list my meds list on my intake. The nurses simply didn’t believe that I did not take any medication.
I explained that I didn’t need any. I was healthy. This statement befuddled them as apparently I was the only person over 55 they have ever seen who didn't take mess.
Going back a little further, I quit dip and reduced my alcohol intake in 2023 to lower my then high blood pressure. It worked. Fast. So well that I stopped checking it. But it was pretty high when I went to get me pre surgical for the Quato.
My doc advised we check it after the surgery as it could just be White Coat Syndrome. This is when your blood pressure gets high from the anxiety of being at the doctors office. I assured him I had no anxiety.
When I got home, I began monitoring it on my own again every few days, and it was fucking high. So, I made an appointment to see him right away and he put me on Blood Pressure meds.
I do not want to be on meds!!!!
I immediately began researching all I could find on homeopathic remedies to lower my blood pressure and came upon two that I will share today.
Now, I cannot give medical advice or tell you this works.
All I can do is give you my experience.
Old Man Conjugate: High Blood Pressure Homeopathic Remedies
After much reading on the interwebs I settled on the following two Homeopathic remedies.
1. The Elixir
2. Beet Root Extract
1. The Elixir is a goofy name Toots made up because she envisioned me dressed as a Warlock cooking my remedy in a cauldron.

It consists of Garlic, Lemon, Honey and Ginger and Cinnamon Sticks.
Garlic is well known to relax and open blood vessels and lowers cholesterol (not that this is a concern). It also is an immunity booster, improves brain health, is a natural antibacterial and antifungal and more. Garlic is good for you.
Ginger is a cellular anti oxidant, is a natural anti inflammatory and lowers LDL. It also has many more positive effects on the body.
Fresh lemon juice is said to reduce heart disease amongst many other things.
Cinnamon is not only tasty AF, but it is proven to aid in lowering blood pressure and blood fat levels. It’s also a great anti aging tool and it’s great for gut health.
Finally honey is a powerful antioxidant, anti inflammatory and has many cardiovascular benefits.
The thing is that when you blend all of these together, put on your warlock suit and boil them in a cauldron, you get a get a cardio vascular super drink that is said to reduce cholesterol, clear the plaque out of your arteries and lower your blood pressure.
Sadly, I cannot tell you that all of these claims are true, but I can tell you that I am feeling like my blood pressure is down.
How you ask?
The arteries in my neck do not feel like they want to explode any more. This is also above and beyond what the BP meds did.
2. Beet Root Extract is a very powerful a tool to lower LDL, triglycerides and reduce blood pressure. It is also a powerful anti inflammatory and nitric oxide booster.
Improving nitric oxide levels improves blood flow everywhere in the body (yes “everywhere” boys). It’s like a gas station boner pill without the side affects. Nitric oxide also lowers blood pressure.
Some studies showed it to boost nitric oxide levels by 21% in 45 minutes.
P.S. kids, what’s one of the WORST things you can eat to lower nitric oxide in the body?
Vegan meat. I’m just gonna leave that there.

Old Man Conjugate: High Blood Pressure-What if I mix them together?
Like any good meathead, I decided if a small amount was good a more is better. Sort of.
I decided to mix my beet root extract with my Elixir and create a combo super blood pressure lowering, artery cleaning gas station boner drink.
It works!
I think.
My blood pressure is lower than when I was just on the meds. It’s been as low as 99/79. On the meds alone it was about on average 122ish/75ish. Before the meds I was lucky if it was as low as 152/88. I’m saying it’s working.
My plan is to keep after it, increase cardio and see the Doc in a few months to discuss getting off the BP meds. Maybe I can, maybe I can’t.
I’m not a fan of any drug you must take FOREVER if there is another option.
Old Man Conjugate: High Blood Pressure Elixir Recipe
Here’s what you need for 2 weeks worth of the Elixir.
- 14 cloves garlic
- 14 2” pieces of ginger
- 14 cinnamon sticks
- 4 lemons
- 10 ½ cups of water
- 8 table spoons honey
- Beet root extract
Peel and crush the garlic, chop the ginger and toss it in a pot of the 10 ½ cups of boiling water. Add in the raw cinnamon sticks too.
Boil it on medium heat until it reduces by 1/3, turn heat off and add lemon and honey.
Cover it, let stand for 5 minutes.
Stir, strain and bottle it up.
I mix my beet root extract in right before I drink it on an empty stomach. Be forewarned. It tastes gross.
I mean gross.
Suck it up and drink it daily.
Monitor your blood pressure and your boner pressure.
Thank me later.
Live, Learn, Pass on.
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Vincere vel mori
C.J. Murphy
April 4, 2024