In today’s Log I am giving you something created by one of my TEAM here at TPS, Matt. In Old Man Conjugate: Shoulder Mobility Quick Fix you’ll see 6 mobility exercises that will open up your shoulders, upper back and lats. All in an easy to watch video!
As I age, I wish that I did more of two things:
- Cardio
- Mobility
I didn’t do much cardio because I hated it. And I didn’t do much mobility because I didn’t need it. Until I did. And now I’m playing catch up.
Matt was originally a Raw, and then Multi Ply Powerlifter with an Elite total, so mobility wasn’t really his focus. As he gravitated towards other “sports” the things that may benefit you in equipped Powerlifting may not benefit you in, let’s say, Rock Climbing. Or swimming. Or simply every day life.
Which is where Old Man Conjugate: Shoulder Mobility Quick Fix comes in.
I’ve added some of these in and am seeing a difference in one day! Nope, I’m not kidding. Now, maybe it’s because I chose something new, or maybe it’s because it was a better choice than what I was doing. Either way, having at least a normal level of mobility in the upper body is not a bad thing.

That’s why I am presenting the video below to you.
In it, Matt does:
PAILs/RAILs Quadruped Overhead Reach
Shoulder CARs standing
Quadruped “Handcuff” CARs
Banded Shoulder Dislocates
Dowel Shoulder Dislocates
Prophet Press Progression: Dowel ➡️Training Bar ➡️Barbell
I’m not going to list sets/reps on these because if you are an Old Man like me, you may not even be able to move through them. Do the best you can. And don’t force anything.
As you progress and are able to move through full ranges of motion, then it’s time to start thinking of sets and reps. If you have questions, DM me on the Instagrams.
And if you don’t know the PAILS and RAILS protocols, just Google it. It’s pretty straight forward.
Please enjoy the Old Man Conjugate: Shoulder Mobility Quick Fix video below.
And give Coach Buck a follow for great content. Maybe Dave should have him on the podcast too?
Click here for the Video
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Vincere vel mori
C.J. Murphy
March 28, 2023