Most of my Old Man Conjugate articles are strictly about training and gym related stuff. This one is not. In this installment of Old Man Conjugate, I’m giving you a list of things you need to Survive and Thrive 2022 and Beyond.
This article may cause some of you to shrug it off and say it’s just ridiculous or crazy to even think about the shit in here. But some of you will agree with all of your beings. Many will fall in the middle.
Regardless of where you fall or where your political and personal views fall, read it and implement at least some of what I say.
Before we get to training, let’s talk a bit about how we got here today and why we train.
First off, why do we train?
We all train for the same reason no matter what discipline we might compete in or favor. We train to be strong above all else. And, there are many different types of strength.
Old Man Conjugate addresses them all, from Maximum (Limit) strength, to cardio health (although I am lacking at this) to mental strength (which I am very good at) and everything in between.
Being strong(er) is why we train.
Now, onto how we got here, and bear with me, I am giving you the list of things you need to do Survive and Thrive 2022 and Beyond in a minute.
I’ve always been a fan of being self-sufficient and being my own first line of self-defense. I’m sure that comes part from watching so many post-apocalyptic movies as a kid and from growing up in the inner city. It seems in today’s society, both of those attributes are on trial and scorned by many. That’s a shame.
Being strong is a huge component of this.
Let’s cover the training aspect first for things you need to do to Survive and Thrive 2022 and Beyond.
Old Man Conjugate has many rules and one of them is to train what you suck at. I’m getting better at this. We all need to get better at this. If we only train what we are good at we will never improve.
Working your weakness is the best way to improve your lifts and your life.
I’m gonna get roasted for this, but if shit hits the fan, how much will being able to squat 950 pounds, but not be able to tie your shoes or walk to the car without needing CPR help you?
It won’t.
So, as part of Old Man Conjugate, no matter what your goals are I need you to work what you suck at more. Not just for your sport. For your life. This became evident to me when me I went to Vegas with Toots and we had to RUN through the airport to catch a flight, and then walk around Vegas for three days after.

I’ll tell you I almost dropped like a soldier in a movie and actually yelled at her through the airport “Go on without me, save yourself!” It was pretty funny, but also kind of true. I am in bad shape and my feet, calves and shins hurt for days. It showed that I am in bad shape.
Now, what if there was an emergency in day to day life and I had to run to save myself or to save Toots?
We’d both be dead.
So, in order to follow Old Man Conjugate: Survive and Thrive 2022 and Beyond I have to improve my ability to walk, jog and move. Yes, I have been working on this but not enough.
What are you neglecting in your training that you can do today to improve?
There is something, and it is not the same for everyone. Figure it out. Then attack it.
Build a home gym.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again:
I believe that we will get locked down in some form again. Remember what happened to your fitness and the price of fitness equipment last time?
Well, it can happen again. Even if it doesn't, having one makes training more convenient.
What do you need for your home gym?
That is next week’s log!
Now onto the stuff that people might call me nuts about:
I base my opinions here on things I see in the news/media, and things I have seen in person.
Look around you and see what is going on in the world. It’s fucking chaos all over and it can come here.
Will you be prepared?
I will.
Gas is about to hit $5.00 a gallon in Massachusetts and diesel is almost $7.00 a gallon. There is rampant inflation due to this and a other reasons. Food shortages were predicted by conspiracy theorists about a year and a half ago and now the government is telling us to prepare for them, we have supply chain issues all over and much more. Things are going to get worse kids.
How much worse?
Let's look back to 2005, when I first started storing survival food and water.
I personally have seen cell phone video from a friend who was in an area that was cut off from supplies during Hurricane Katrina. Society devolved there like a Mad Max movie in a few days because the stores were out of food, gas stations had no gas (and it wasn’t $6 a gallon) and people were scared and hungry.
Bad guys were going door to door and forcing their way into peoples houses stealing food and supplies and giving beatings to people who resisted.
Until my friend and his friends (all off duty cops that lived in the area) kitted out and with patrol rifles showed up. They continued to patrol the area until help arrived about a week or so later. It was chaos.
Yes, this happened and I am not exaggerating.
Anything can happen at any time and we need to be prepared. The likelihood of an alien invasion, a foreign army invasion or a complete collapse of society is unlikely, but maybe, possible.
A natural disaster is 100% possible, and if we have natural disaster at a refinery or two, forget how much gas costs, there will not be any. And, the country runs on diesel, so think about that. And the likelihood of some kind of emergency where you may have to leave your home for a day or two or more without access to things you may need is also highly possible. Even a road trip with a mechanical break down or accident in a remote area is something to consider.
So, with that in mind, what do I think you need to do on the non-training side to to follow Old Man Conjugate: Survive and Thrive 2022 and Beyond?
Here is a short list.
Have nonperishables stockpiled in your home to last at least two weeks.
This is easy to do.
Buy things like rice, canned chicken and tuna, bottled water, baby wipes, long term milk or canned milk, toilet paper, toothpaste, first aid supplies and other items you need on a day to day basis that will not go bad quick.
You can use these items in your regular rotation and simply replace them as they get used so you always have an emergency stash of stuff needed to allow you to get by.
Have a Go Bag

What is a Go Bag? It’s the bag you grab when the shit hits the fan and then you go. Again, this doesn’t mean alien invasion. It means that you have to leave NOW!
What if you have family in another state with an emergency or illness and it is not so far that you have to fly?
A Go Bag can make your life a lot easier.
Your go bag should have enough to last 3 days.
What needs to be in it?
Well, that is unique to you.
It should have at least the following (and be easy to transport):
Note-the food items are not for ultimate nutrition; they are to keep you from passing out or starving.
Think envelopes of tuna, protein bars and easy to pack foods that last a long time. You can even buy survival food that last up to 25 years. And it doesn’t taste that bad.
We can’t live without it. A few bottles of water (sealed) and even a water purification squeeze bottle so you can fill it up with lake water in a pinch.
Survival Equipment:
How many times have you seen a story on the news where someone’s car rolled over and they were stuck for a day or more, and it got COLD? A lot I bet.
Survival equipment is things like emergency blankets, you know them, the really thin silver blankets that fold up in a tiny package. These are super cheap (under $5) and they work!
You'll need a boo boo kit (stolen from Flannel Daddy), this is a baggie with disinfectant, bandages and quick medical supplies.
And, a portable power source for your phone. You can get solar ones and disposable ones pretty cheap that pack into a small space. Cables too!
A knife or multi tool is a key piece of equipment too! Get a few.
Needs no explanation.
Clean socks and underpants.
Again, needs no explanation.
Baby wipes.
They can double as toilet paper and also will help you stay somewhat sanitary.
A toothbrush and toothpaste.
Cycalume Chemlights
A bag to pack it all.
How big?
Well, I have two sizes.
One for my truck and one for the house to grab and go. Actually two for the house. One for mine and one for Toot’s house in case I am there.
The truck bag is small, about the size of a large purse and it has tons of space to pack everything listed above in smaller quantities, plus a few more things which I’ll get to in a minute and it fits under the back seat. I don’t have to grab it, it’s there and it will allow me to Survive and Thrive in an emergency.
The other one is a 3 Day pack. Mine is made in USA obviously, and it has more room to carry enough for me for 3 days in a pinch. I keep it stocked with all of the items listed above, plus a few more things pertinent to what I feel that I need. You may not agree.
If you read this far, you are probably curious what they are so I’ll tell you.
Remember, a primary rule of Old Man Conjugate is to be prepared. I am.
In my 3 Day Pack I keep more of the items listed above, and I have 2 loaded Glock mags and 3 loaded AR mags in case shit really jumps off.
I’ve also got disposable rain ponchos, extra chemlights, hydration bladders, and can openers.
Now, you might think I am nuts, and that is ok. But if you want to survive and thrive in 2022 and beyond, you’ll at least do some of this.
At the minimum, follow the rules of Old Man Conjugate and WORK YOUR WEAKNESS, get your heart strong and get your body used to moving in more ways than the squat and deadlift.
And, another rule of Old Man Conjugate-be prepared.
Do something, prepare in some way, and then hope that you never need the things you compiled.
I hope this article on how to Survive and Thrive 2022 and Beyond was helpful, informative and at the least, made you reassess your fitness.
Improving your fitness, mobility and strength are the most important things you can do to survive and thrive. The other stuff is also awesome.
Stay tuned for next week’s log on what you need for your home gym.
Did you miss last week’s log?

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Vincere vel mori
C.J. Murphy
May 19, 2022