Old Man Conjugate: Top 5 Ab Exercises isn’t just a list of what I think are the Top 5 Ab Exercises; it’s got videos on how to do them too. There might be some surprise in here, and you might have different choices. If you do, leave a comment with what you think is an AWESOME ab exercise.
Oh, and I’ll give a few reasons why I think these are the tops.
And, when I say Ab, I don’t just mean the rectus ab. I mean the entire midsection and trunk. It’s commonly known as the CORE. But I absolutely HATE that term and just will not use it.
Why do I hate it?
I just do, but also because it is misleading. Muscles are superficial. Organs are really at our core. And it sounds like a term Timmy the Personal Trainer uses.
With that out of the way, in no particular order, I give you Old Man Conjugate: Top 5 Ab Exercises
Top 5 Ab Exercises #1: The Ab Wheel

I fucking love the Ab Wheel. It trains stability, flexion/extension and helps with shoulder mobility/stability too. And there are endless ways to scale it.
You can make it easy for people that are not too strong or very difficult for those who are.
It’s a winner and a staple in my programs.
Top 5 Ab Exercises #2: Farmer’s Walk/Loaded Carries
I love pretty much every version of the Farmer’s Walk and almost all Loaded Carry variations. And I’m putting them all in the same category because why limit yourself and it’s my list!
Plus, the are about as functional as it gets.
Further, Farmer’s Walks specifically (and all loaded carries) build nearly bulletproof ankles knees and hips when done on the regular.
These need to be in almost every program regardless of goals.
Here’s a few variations for you to check out.
Top 5 Ab Exercises #3: Windmill
Windmills are awe-some for “ab” strength and full body mobility and balance.
Whenever you can get multiple benefits from an exercise I love it. And, the older we get, the more mobility we lose naturally. Building strength and maintaining/restoring mobility with one exercise is killer.
Top 5 Ab Exercises #4: GHR Sit-up

Sit-ups are great.
GHR sit-ups are greater.
And harder.
Top 5 Ab Exercises #5: Planks
Planks are amazing. They are carry over to many human activities, such as everything.
They can be scaled from easy to near impossible.
Loooong planks are in vogue these days, but I’m a big believer in doing them for less time with more tension as opposed to doing them for 2 minutes or more. Of course there is nothing wrong with doing them for a long time.
Here is a video that covers basic Planks plus a few progressions.
You’ll love it.
Narrowing down all of the ab exercises in the world to a list of just 5 was easier than you would think for me. As many great ones as there are, I have a short list of ones I use in my programming all the time for good reason.
They are scalable and they produce results.
Maybe I’ll do an Old Man Conjugate Top Ab Exercises Honorable Mention article next?
Let me know.
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Vincere vel mori
C.J. Murphy
April 25, 2024