In today’s Coaching Log, I will discuss Old Man Conjugate: Total Hip Replacement and what is expected after surgery. As you know a primary rule of Old Man Conjugate is to never give up. Ever. And I am not.
In case you are unfamiliar with my logs, I frequently write about the struggles I have had with my left hip and ways to train around it while trying to stay motivated. I tell you, it isn’t easy when you have constant pain and almost no mobility. Finding exercises that you can do, seeking every alternative to surgery and finding way to minimize pain are not easy. But I never gave up.
A few weeks back my therapists at Refined Wellness told me that it was time to get a surgical consult because they were pretty sure they exhausted everything they could do.
They were right.
So, I scheduled an appointment with the Rock Star hip replacement doctor and he looked after an physical exam and viewing of the X rays, the P.A. looked at me and said:
“This is really bad. I’ve seen worse, but this is bad. How do you even walk?”
We discussed options and the Doctor said total hip replacement is my best and pretty much only option besides living in pain that will get worse and leave me unable to walk.
We both decided that the surgery is the way to go and he said to do it right away.
After the consult I decided to talk to a few friends who have had it done to get their perspective on recovery. You see, the doctor said it would not be too bad and should be quick, but I really wanted answers from people with a similar training background and age, so I called Ed Coan and Dave Tate.
After lengthy discussions with both of them, I was relieved. I have never looked forward to surgery, but I am now.
My hip replacement is scheduled for next week, so I will not have a log for you, but I will be thinking of new topics.
Anyway, back on topic of Old Man Conjugate: Total Hip Replacement, I am looking to greater things soon.
I’ll be able to walk without pain, be able to tie my own shoes and more. Being able to tie your own shoes is something we all take for granted. Don’t. You’ll never know how much it sucks until you are there. Do not take your health and mobility for granted. As the Poison song says, You don’t know what you got until it’s gone, and this injury has taught me a lesson.
I’ve always taken my health and fitness seriously but this was a wake up call. While I am convalescing from surgery I will use that time to do two things that I have been meaning to do but have not really tried.

1. Quit chewing tobacco.
Let me tell you, I have been dipping HARD since 1982. I know it isn’t good for me and that it is terrible for my heart, but didn’t really care much about it. I figure that the easiest time to quit is the night before surgery.
Why is that Murph?
From what I have read, the hardest part of the physical withdrawal from nicotine is the first 1-5 days.
After the surgery I’ll be loaded up on pain killers and most likely a little out of it, so in my mind, I feel the painkiller will reduce the withdrawal symptoms making it easier one me.
Hopefully I am right!
2. Reduce the whiskey.
If you know me, you know I love me some Jameson.
I don’t have a drinking problem, but I do drink too much for my liking. My plan is to consume none at all for a few months. Drinking alcohol while your body is trying to recover from surgery is just stupid. It will interfere with the healing process in many ways, so why do it?
An added bonus of quitting the booze for a few months is that it is a reduction in calories. I have always gotten FATTER after surgery due to poor food choices and lack of movement.
Not this time.
I will be paying close attention to everything I eat and drink, and will use the time to stay in a caloric deficit with no added foods/drinks to increase inflammation. Hopefully this allows me to preserve as much muscle mass as possible while losing some fat. Hopefully.
I’ll also be slamming 30 grams of glutamine and BCAA daily to help recovery.
Once I am cleared by my PT’s I’ll begin a new chapter of Old Man Conjugate for my recovery.
I will tell you this: Bandbell bars will be a heavy part of my training. Bandbell bars are excellent tools for rehab.
I am looking forward to greater things from my Total Hip Replacement.
I’ll keep you all posted on the recovery process and any cool exercises that Refined Wellness has me program in.
I’m also looking forward to spending more time with my son who will be coming over to help me out.
Wish me luck!
Did you miss last week’s log?
Read it here.

Vincere vel mori
C.J. Murphy
January 19, 2023

Miss you brother.