I don't want to go off on a rant here but I have been dealing with old man shit for the few years like ... well ... most old guys do. However, it sure seems to have kicked into overdrive this last year.
There are a few likely scenarios but no matter what they are, it is frustrating and certainly doesn't help the psyche when you are busting your ass to get back into great shape. The most obvious reason is likely because I am simply losing weight very, very quickly (yes, I used very twice and understand that I won't win a Pulitzer anytime soon). That is all well and good with me being down again this week to 213, putting me down about 27 pounds in like 8 weeks or so. I am very happy about the progress but I have been pretty damn shredded at this weight and big, too, and that is NOT me right now.
I have gotten some fullness and muscle back since starting the TRT so that is a bonus. Still, it is discouraging at times and I have to keep my head straight and stay the course. I have a feeling that another 5 pounds down and I will be much happier with my condition but still not satisfied until I get to about the 200 mark or slightly above. A big part of this look is because I am flat as hell by about Thursday so later in the week when my weight falls more and I am leaner than the previous week, I look terrible because I feel soft and depleted. Earlier in the week I am at least fuller from the Skiploading on the weekend. Right now I am doing all day loading on Sundays and starting Saturday night with something like a big sushi meal. I feel better for doing this and have progressed more since starting this about 2 weeks ago but I still cannot stand it until I get another 5 or so pounds off of me.
One of the things I am focused on doing after getting to the condition I want to maintain is making sure that my caloric intake has me fuller vs. being depleted from low calories. Most people maintain a condition simply by keeping their calories low or the same as when they were dieting to lose the weight and that is not the right way to do it. Once I achieve the condition I want, I will play into my metabolism by slowly increasing carbs (and fats where I can) to maintain the same level of leanness but also have the fullness and energy to train even harder than I am now. Otherwise, I will be doomed ( as anyone is who does it this way ) to maintaining a shitty, depleted and soft condition.
Training is great right now and cardio is consistent along with the diet. Started to get a little more hungry this week with the adjustment last week of dropping carbs from non-training days and some fats from both training and non-training days but manageable. I have never been one to struggle with hunger, ever, for some reason. I would much prefer to be starving (though I rarely am - even in preps) vs. that miserable feeling of being stuffed. Yeah, I'm weird like that.
I also have blood work done in a couple weeks so it is going to be interesting to see where everything is while on this TRT dosing. I am quite confident that everything will be good, though.
Hope you all have a great weekend. I have syrup from a client that I will be enjoying on Sunday for my Skipload!