More travel, but thankfully this is close to the end of our hectic travel schedule for the year. It will be nice to be home and back in my routine to get ready for these upcoming meets.
We are down in California this week and it has been an absolute blast, California is our second home and every time we come down we make it a priority to see Jesse Burdick and the CSA crew. I trained with them for 18 months give or take and they made such an impact on my life and even now when we come down to see them it is just as impactful. The atmosphere that Burdick has created is second to none, it is a family and everyone is there to help each other out from beginner to all-time world record holders everyone is there to make each other better.
The last 2 days I just jumped in with the crew and we did upper body 5x5 with BP and 3 chains per side working up to a heavy 345lbs for 2 sets of 5 reps. The next day we did dynamic lower work with 15 sets of 3 reps with 335lbs and 3 sets of 15 reps with 2" deficit stiff leg deads.
Since these days are not on plan and I am just focused on training hard I don't keep track I just go with the flow and try to keep up the best I can with the crew. It's a nice change of pace and it keeps me on my toes. I head home tomorrow and then it is back to our normal schedule.