My bike commute takes me through the BART station, which is our local Mass Transit system here in Northern California. I normally take my time as I navigate the commuters on their way to San Francisco from the Dublin/Pleasanton station, because most of them are aclueistic (If you look that word up, you are too) as to their surroundings. To further the challenge, they all have their faces buried into their devices (phones).
I felt a bit more adventurous today so I HAMMERED my ride home, attempting to beat my best time record.
As I blazed pass the commuters today, I could hear the startle in their breathing as I went by them within INCHES at Mach II.
"Harry, what if you hit one of them?" you might ask. Nothing really, I would have been over my bars (again) but I know for certain who ever I hit would know what it felt like being tackled by Laurence Taylor of New York Giant Linebacking fame. Hell, I might even put one or two in a coma!
"LOOK UP" is my commuter war cry! Better take the world in around you before you miss it all.
Today's Training:
Concept II Rowing Ergometer: 22 minutes
Dead Lift:
-Hex Bar
-Raise the bar up 4" using mats
-Work up to a HEAVY 6 reps
Rep Dead:
-Same set up
-Men add 10 lbs to the rep weight over last week. Women add 5.
Suspended Knees to Elbow:
Bike Commute: 20 minutes
Sprints: 7 x100 yards at 75%