I told my son the we only need to make ONE decision when trying to determine what our next goal should be.
What happens when a person MAKES a decision to "go after" something? A few things:
1. Since YOU have made the decision, no one else can do that for you. Life has a way of that decision being made. If not by you, who? If not now, then when? If not what you want, the decision to use you is optioned for by someone trying to get what THEY want.
2. By making A decision, all other decisions are easy. Does the activity match your desired outcome. If the answer is yes, then ok. If your answer is NO, then don't do it.
Example I used: You want to make it to the next level of competition. You begin your training
You eat right
You sleep right
You don't surround yourself with people that aren't on your path.
YOU don't go to the late night parties.
You don't abuse yourself
You don't find time, you MAKE time.
If you don't, then YOU haven't really made any decision for success at all!
Make a decision and never quit!
Pop Your Heart Wed.
Prowler: 10x100 for men 8x100 for women
Concept II Row: Five minute steady state
-10x15 second all out sprint/45 second recovery stroke
Inverted Versi Climber:
10x20 steps
Ab: 2 sets
Curl: 2 sets
Tricep Ext: 2 sets
Bike Commute: 20 minutes
Sprint I: 1x100 easy; 12 x 50@75%